The state of denial is a defining characteristic of drug and alcohol addiction. But it can also understand a difficult concept.
Denial can be described as a type in which the mind refuses to accept a problem. It is a safety valve for dealing with stress. One way to an overwhelming problem that causes a high level of anxiety control to deny that it exists. This belief can be so strong, it is impossible to tell what is true and what is wrong.
In humanswith chemical dependency is growing denial to the point where they lose the ability to cope, just with everyday situations. You try to turn to actually meet in order to use them permission to continue. When confronted, it will: "I have no problem, you have a problem."
Denial is not a lie.
Denial is not how people refer to each other, "you have a problem, no, I do not, yes you, no, not me." It is usually unintentional and beyondConsciousness.
An analogy might say, a person they are snoring, the person who snores is not known, they do it at the time. Another example is sleeping, a not really be aware of when it happened, but it is clear to everyone saw the sleeping man.
The progression of denial
1. Minimization.
The user says that they consume less consuming than they actually. You will be underestimated or refute the seriousness of the problem andFollow.
2. Excuses and rationalization.
More and more, sit down and apologized repeatedly to the point where they appear as fact to the user. Elaborate stories using invented or justify situations set up to the drinking or drugged "is only understandable. For example, if you had my job, you had to drink."
3. Blame and playing the victim.
Denial comes into play by the blame on another person or an event, rather than personal responsibility. Thenseems to be the responsibility of another person, not the user to solve the problem. For example, drinking water causes a student homework and do not miss class and get a bad note. He blames the teacher does not like him, and thinks that teachers should lighten.
Denial contributes to the addiction process by the user in isolation from reality. Punching through denial is like adding fact to fact, on a balance beam. Unfortunately, it usually takes one to close and personalCrisis tip the scales for the recognition of reality. An example would be an encroachment, and accidents or medical evidence.
After rejecting recognized the recovery process can begin. There is a wealth of information before about how to get a start on the resolution of the denial of the drugs and alcoholism.