Friday, February 26, 2010

California Drug Rehab Center and Addiction Recovery

When you hear starts with the research centers of drug rehabilitation in California is for you or someone in your area, the first thing that it is likely that recovery from addiction is a complex and often long with many steps. In other words, you can not do anything during the night. Many people with addiction to alcohol and drugs, which describes the process as a full recovery, indicating that no remedy in itself, but certainlyWorking toward freedom from addiction. Even if alcohol legally in Germany, is to admit a potent and highly addictive drug, and he has a problem, is the first step to overcome, and then recovering from drug addiction is not a sign of weakness, but as a sign of maturity to accept the situation. Denial is the most common barrier to recovery from addiction.

Another thing that probably feels detoxification centers in CaliforniaYou're visiting dependency or destroy a year, and because the majority of drugs and alcohol, as mentioned above is to deny having a problem of all, even if this problem will create considerable legal and personal problems and because, unlike the drug addicts think what I mean, it takes over your will. The recovery of drug addiction is an exercise in healing, ideally by an attorney, therapy, and particularly with the time andUnderstand the environment of the addict.

The stigma of the illness or addiction is often associated with the purchase of an obstacle on the path of addiction, but must be overcome. People must understand that getting out of control, the offender, who has been separated from his family too much trouble with the law, and has lost control of their lives is really admired by society. The drug, instead of being perceived as astop being proactive collection, but in hindsight to address the problems associated with alcoholism and drug addiction. These problems can be explored more effectively in a control group and treatment or detoxification centers in California, as part of a recovery from addiction.

Ultimately, the addict must be the road to recovery from addiction of choice, supported by the support of the people care and support, andfortified recently acquired self-knowledge and self-esteem. Many people who start to no end, but a treatment program for drugs and alcohol do so because of lack of support and lack of motivation.

These models demonstrate again the advantages of a recovery program for addiction to a controlled environment, such as detoxification centers in California. It is a choice that the addict to get help but the significance of a support group not be minimizedwhen it comes to the variety of themes and activities around the recovery of drug addiction.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The causes of drug abuse - may be responsible for a genetic predisposition to be?

Are the pressures of modern society so great that people are forced to take drugs young and old, or is the pressure of the peer group, which encourages the involvement of drug abuse or may have a genetic predisposition may be responsible? ?

Today, drug abuse has become a critical problem in the world. Age does not feel like other than a drug addict, but prevalence among young drug users is a sad reality. Of course, a series ofThe theories of various researchers, scientists and theorists, but nobody brought a conclusion to determine the exact causes of addiction.

For example, a part of the explanation of the causes of addiction are:

1. Some believe that it is genetically predisposed

2. Others consider it nothing more than mental illness.

3. Some simplify the reasoning, and for them to find the product of poorLifestyle and the risk of interaction between peers during adolescence.

4. Many people consider it a disease

5. Others see it as an inherited disorder that causes people to do with addiction.

Here are some explanations of the most common causes identified dependence.


Brain disease is identified as a major cause of addiction. It is believed that this particular type of brainDisorders have been developed, was launched after the voluntary use of drugs. These drugs interact with different areas of the brain to changes in level of consciousness, mood, perception and emotional states. Continued use of drugs can cause permanent structure and function of the brain, continue with the medicine, even after the person is no longer with the drug can be changed. According to this view, addiction is the embodiment of bio-behavioral disorder.


It 'also a popular hypothesis. Many experts believe that genetic predisposition may play an important role as a major cause of addiction. Some researchers have also argued that some genes that are assigned to the drug. However, science is working on identifying specific genes, their location and their potential role in human behavior in general. It is confirmed that a gene and the inheritance playimportant role in a person prone to addiction. Undoubtedly, a better understanding will be announced shortly.

Social Model Philosophy

Today, most rehabilitation centers for drug addicts involved in the conviction that the philosophical and social factors are the main causes of addiction.

It is said that when the belief system of an addict may be changed, you have found a way to be free of drug addicts from their dependency. Although the supporters of thisHypothesis testing addiction is a disease, this disease is the result of a personal choice, anti-social behavior or character flaw. These ideas are useless until they recover to become the motivation of people in their life together. However, the deep root of the problem of dependence on holistic treatments, the struggle of consciousness, mood, perception and emotional state of the addict.

Fortunately, methods for the treatment of drug addicts showsvery successful in most cases. However, without doubt, the research on the causes of drug addiction has clarified one day all these questions to the best of both forms of prevention and treatment.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Addiction - Do Not Let it Steal Your Future!

Addiction is one of the greatest and most costly public health problems in the United States. While all this publicity is going on for the H1N1 Virus, people are dying from a disease far more prevalent in our country. Addiction is the physical or mental dependence on a behavior or a substance. To take that a step further, dependence means that despite the harm it is causing in their lives, they are powerless to stop. It is not limited to drugs and alcohol. There are behaviors that can activate the reward system in the brain. This activation of the Dopaminergic system has the same effect as if someone uses Cocaine or Amphetamines.

Because of the similarities in response from the reward system of the brain, many addicts who are successfully able to quit illegal drug use or stop the use of alcohol will find themselves replacing the drug with behaviors such a sex, gambling, compulsive shopping, excessive exercise video games or even web surfing. Again, the definition of it being an addiction is when it brings harm to themselves or their lives.

Addictions to substances such as alcohol, illegal and prescribed drugs, tobacco and food bring with them other potential areas for harm. Many types of Cancer, Diabetes, liver diseases and life threatening interactions can result from a single use and from prolonged use. The problem becomes perplex due to the system of denial that protects the addict from seeing the harm he/she is causing to others and/or themselves. Add to this that most addictions come on slowly; it is difficult to accept that one needs help.

Help does exist. First and foremost, treatment is available for most any addiction that you might be battling. If you are a friend with an alcoholic or drug addict, most cities have intervention counselors to help you confront the addict and help them to see they are in trouble. You need treatment with the support of people who are struggling with the same addiction and from professionals who understand it. If you do not feel ready for this step, read on.

The next step is to begin Recovery. Once you are an addict, you will always be an addict. But just like a diabetic can control their disease, you can learn to control yours. It is learning about how to tolerate how you feel at any given moment and not have to participate in self destructive or self defeating behaviors and thoughts. It is realizing we did not get to the place we need recovery overnight so we will not travel to a place of healthy life and well being overnight either. One has to relearn how to have fun without the use of the addictive behavior or substance. It is about learning how to live life... on life's terms.

The next thing is to get involved with support groups. There are tons of support groups out there from spiritually based or church group ones all the way to the original Alcoholics Anonymous. There are groups for sex addicts and food addicts. There is no reason not to have a support group. There are even CODA groups for those that are co-dependent. Which means living with an addict and struggling not to make things easy for them.

Here are some resources for support groups: (alcoholics anonymous) (twelve steps to serenity)
Free 24 Hour Addiction Help Line ~ 888-691-3919

You can also check with your church for more spiritual based programs.

If you do not feel like you are ready for this step where others are involved or if you are not sure your loved one needs an intervention, there is an eBook you can get to evaluate and also to get some tools on your own.
Learn about alcoholic tendencies!
Acquire various treatment options!
Learn how to help a friend or family member who is alcoholic!
Learn about drug addiction and methods to deal with it!
Learn alternative methods to the AA approach!
And much, much more!

Remember above all things... seek balance in life. Learn to be happy in your own skin and you will soon find that you do not need to alter your reality!
Have a prosperous day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Teen Drug Addictions Part 3

Teen drug addictions can often be difficult to recover from. This is one of those times when being young is more of a hindrance than a help. Teenagers are programmed to think they are invincible, nothing “bad" could possibly happen to them. They are just getting started in life. The idea of having to give anything up for good is often a foreign concept.

In the inner cities where life can be particularly rough teenagers often subscribe to the credo “live hard and fast for tomorrow we may be dead.” It’s often hard for teenagers in these circumstances to see the value of living a life without drugs.

With that being said the outpatient facilities and inpatient rehabilitation facilities are full of teenagers trying to do just that. Live a life without drugs or alcohol. Staying abstinent from drugs and alcohol is challenging especially in the beginning. What I have included here is a very useful strategy in recovering from teen drug addictions.

In many twelve step programs they will speak often to newly recovering people about H.A.L.T. This stands for hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. Keeping a watchful eye on any one of these cropping up during the day can go along way to maintaining abstinence. They can be your best ally in recovering from teen drug addictions.

Hungry- Letting yourself get hungry or regularly skipping meals leads to drops in blood sugar. It also leads to irritability which can often lead to a teenage addict wanting to pick up their drug of choice for relief. Eating regularly, even small balanced meals or snacks can help of the symptoms or hunger. A protein bar or a pack of trail mix is some good choices because they are not as sugar laden. They are also small and easy to throw in a backpack or car glove compartment.

Angry- Being angry and being a teenager often seem to go hand in hand. The teenage years are a rough time with lots of change and stress. Having someone or a group of trusted individuals to talk with can help keep anger at bay. Also regular exercise and even participation in team sports can go a long way towards blowing off steam and reducing anger. Anger that is sustained often begs for relief which can come in the form of drugs. If the previous suggestions do not help alleviate the symptom of anger do not hesitate to seek professional help.

Lonely- As mentioned before teenage years are tough. We have all heard of teens feeling lonely or as though they don’t fit in. If you are a teen trying to recover from drug addiction and maintain abstinence, loneliness can be exaggerated. At this crucial time it is important that the teenager has a supportive group of people to spend time with. While it is true that some of the most supportive people will be the teenager’s family, it is just as important that they find a peer group they can identify with. Twelve step programs or even outpatient programs designed for teaching recovering teens living skills may be able to fill this need by providing a group the teenager can identify with. Isolation in a recovering addict is a red flag that they may be in trouble, so don’t take it lightly.

Tired- Teenagers as a whole often keep crazy hours. It is a time of life when they often feel they have boundless energy and a need to cram too many activities into too few hours. This is often followed by the need for extra sleep when they crash, leading to a general imbalance that can affect their overall mood. Irritability is often present when the recovering teenager has been getting too little sleep. That in turn can precipitate an urge to use to quell the irritability. A balanced sleep schedule can be invaluable to a teenager trying to recover from drug addiction. Though they may not often see the need for regular sleep times and adequate hours of sleep, you may be able to gently bring it to their attention if you see them acting out of sorts when lacking in the sleep department.

Excessive sleep can leave the teenager feeling hung over and sluggish which can be an uncomfortable feeling as well. Excessive sleep is also a sign of isolation or depression, as a parent it is wise to keep an eye on your recovering teenager’s sleep schedule. The aim is for balance.

Recovering from teen drug addictions can be a challenge. Keeping an eye out for H.A.L.T. and not allowing anyone of those get out of hand, can go a long way to helping a recovering teenager stick with their resolve to be clean of drugs and alcohol.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Addiction And Environment

Several environmental factors may contribute to addiction. Children who were raised by drug addicted or alcoholic parents are more likely to develop addiction. Children who are raised in abusive environments, even more with addiction as a way to negative emotions about the abuse to cope. Persons who are poor or economically depressed areas often live to develop addiction, and adolescents, the experience of peer pressure in their socialEnvironments often succumb to the temptation to abuse alcohol or drugs to use.

Both genetic and environmental factors must be considered in reviewing the root causes of drug addiction and alcoholism. The environment, the individual, especially in the surrounds very critical formative years can affect the probability of whether an addiction will be developed later in life.

The official definition of alcohol dependence by TheU.S. National Council for Alcohol and Drug addiction is: "Alcoholism is a primary influence, chronic disease with genetic, psychological and environmental factors, the development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal. It is by impaired control over drinking, Employment labeled with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking, especially rejection. "

One in all 13 Americans is considereda victim of alcoholism. This includes only those persons who have been alcoholic, in which only an intense therapy in a rehab center would be enough to restore it as a normal functioning member of her family, profession and society.

There are ten million more people in the United States alone, which in excessive alcohol consumption behaviors and engage on the path to adult alcoholism. It is impossible for anyone to alter their genetic material, regardless of which, whether there is a susceptibility to cancer, cholesterol, or alcoholism in the family genes, it is simply not possible to delete this factor from our own genetic material. It is important to recognize that environmental factors and can be managed, positive decisions can be made if the opportunity to continue to confront alcoholism and drug addiction.

Silence is the enemy of the rest. It is important for the family, colleagues, friends and all those associated> Drug addicts or alcoholics, to discuss the situation with the alcohol or drug abusers, especially in times of austerity. It is important that the alcohol or drug addicts, the fatal nature of their situation is suspended. Medical information, family information or general information about addiction and the devastation it can cause, should be ignored by anyone. There are many specific, local and national organizations that are immediately accessible to the personFriend or family member that is suffering with drug addiction or alcoholism.