Friday, May 28, 2010

Not because of drugs

Addiction is not something to do with reason. By the logic of an addict, which is a waste of time. If you worked, and worked with drug addicts, to show how to do things wrong, what is its purpose? He could say, "Yes, you're right. I would not. I gotta go. I see the light." Then you feel proud of you and goes and goes right to use it again. For those who have never been employed, it is difficult to understand that> The drug works on logic. Your problem is not what you think it is.

Or you can show them pictures of the terrible world of junkies and tweakers and head of the pan, take the path of shock and dismay. You can also print a bit '. Then go on drugs and go, but once they are out of sight. At most, one day before eating again.

There is an old trick for those employees "suddenly sees the light" and begin to reconcileeverything you say you are. E 'often in tears and hugs and thanks for the help they received during the dark ages. Do not buy this line! Remember, even if sincere, the addict feels at the moment, nothing has really changed. Very few people can become addicted to resign over a long period without treatment.

The addiction is real and has real causes and real solutions can be overcome.

What makes the addict, treatment. Well, the qualityThe treatment does not replace drugs that are addicted to another, often addictive drugs.

The reason given to the person, should be understood from the beginning, the only objective is to get treatment as soon as possible. You do not have to tell you, but do it yourself and not be moved.

If you have a real opportunity to see the danger, they must understand that their lives and the lives of everyone to be violated, and thatSeriously, the only way to avoid serious consequences for actions, the next Immediate now get good, long-term non-medical detoxification rehabilitation center.

This gives more chance to get their loved ones and put the nightmare behind all the dependencies

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Taking the Steps to Overcoming Sugar Addiction

There are times that you may feel you are addicted to sugar. But you have steps to take to overcoming sugar addiction. Take them before the time is too late and you have health problems due to that addiction.

You may realize it if you often have a taste for something sweet. Perhaps it is something that you are not even aware of having. But when you eat a product that is high in sugar you may feel better. That is because dopamine will be produced more in your brain when you eat sugar.

Much like an addict to a drug you will crave that feeling and seek it out often. But you can kick that habit once and for all. Though you will need to stick to your guns and really fight this addiction at times.

Decide how you want to go about kicking this problem. Are you going to quite the habit and go cold turkey as they say? Or will you take the more gradual path and cut down your intake over time?

For your first meal of the day, first off never skip breakfast, but each something good for you. Make it a meal that is not only rich with lean protein, but has complex carbohydrates too. Try something like whole grain toast with eggs. This will help you feel full and have your blood sugar stable too.

Snacks should be fruit or even a vegetable that is more on the sweet side. With this you will be eating better, and still getting a bit of a sweet fix. Picking fruit that does not have a lot of sugar in it is a must too.

Water is something that will help break down that sugar in your body, but will also help you feel full during the day. Many times during a day a person will eat when they only need to take a drink of water.

Finally to help beat your sugar addiction, do not eat a lot of snacks that have a lot of salt. With the salt intake your body may tend to crave a sweet to counteract that taste.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jimmy Hendix Genuis Or Drug Addict

Throughout time many have thought of the great jimmy Hendrix as a master of the rock and a great and outstanding guitar soloist. The big question asked by many people though is "Was he an artist and a great achiever or was he a drug addicted rock star?" He was a little of both but he was more a genius in the world of rock and role. He made the best of the times even though having troubles with the drug addictions and constant addictions to more and more drugs even though he was famous he had his rough share of times just like everyone else. His songs reflected mostly drugs but they became very popular during his time. He was thought as a god in the rock world after many of his songs went global. Some parents didn't agree with the whole idea but as time went by they cleaned up their act and started appreciating his music and began listening to it. Still today his music is listened to by many people. Even though he has passed his music still lives on through the hearts of many people around the world today.

Jimmy Hendrix eventually died after taking so much drugs but his legend still live on with his family today. He is thought of everyday when someone is thinking about taking drugs. His music is very influential and his effected many people today around the United States. Most people remember though that he died of drugs and in the end they eventually give it up. He is missed by many people today as one person who didn't care what people thought about him his just loved to play music and please the fans anyway possible by always showing up and playing his great music. He might not be a rocket scientist but he was a genius in the guitar and music field and is admired by many people in bands today. Even some of the great stars looked up to him in many ways because of his great gift that allowed him to play his guitar so well and be able to become famous for many people to hear and see.

Even though he was a drug addict he was truly a genius. Maybe not in the fields of science, math, and english but a truly loved music artist that loved the people and loved his music. He revolutionized the rock business and gave the rock hall of fame a great musical artist and great man of rock. Even though he died of a cause he did he still gave the world a better taste of greatness in the making.

By: Derrick Colt

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lindsay Lohan's Battle With Drug Addiction and the Evil of Hollywood

Troubled star Lindsay Lohan has vowed to quit Hollywood in an effort to stay clean from drugs, according to her father. I certainly have never been impressed with Hollywood any time I have been there. It kind of feels seductively evil and eerily pretentious.

As the son of a mother, who for as long as I can remember, was addicted to alcohol and drugs, I can empathize with Lindsay and millions of others throughout the world. I myself have found solace and comfort in Christ Jesus who daily fills my heart to overflowing with His blessed Holy Spirit, which is far better than any substance on earth.

The Ireland On-Line reported Michael Lohan reunited with his daughter earlier this month in Utah, where the Mean Girls star is seeking counselling at the Cirque Lodge treatment centre.

He says: "When we finally came face to face we just clung on to each other and did not stop crying for at least half an hour.

"Lindsay said:, 'Daddy, I have done some terrible things and been addicted to drugs but please believe me I will never do drugs again. I hate Hollywood and I don't want to work there. I need a break and I am moving away. I will stop hanging around with the people that are bad for me.'

Undoubtedly your friends most definitely help form and determine your future. Lindsay confessed that it is in Hollywood where much of the evil that occurs in her life happens. That being said, what is the film and entertainment industry really made up of and driven by? Certainly we who are mesmerized by it should ask ourselves these questions before being engulfed by Hollywood's infatuations and immorality lest we find ourselves becoming increasingly filthy.

No matter where we live and reside, drugs and sexual immorality can be found. Yet Hollywood pumps perversion right into our homes by way of television. Hollywood seems to applaud such a perverse and wicked lifestyle more than anywhere else. Hollywood is where self reigns supreme and people are allowed to be pretentious and mean. Filmmaking is about entertainment, which we all love and enjoy. However the stars being paid extraordinary amounts of cash for their performances recognize that for them Hollywood can become an ego driven and self-absorbed industry that further inflates one's self-image beyond livable proportions.

When young stars like Lindsay become brutally honest with themselves and desire personal transformation, variables such as friends and place of residence are huge. I salute and applaud Lindsay for taking an intense and earnest look into her lifestyle and everything influencing her behavior.

Lindsay is definitely a talented and gifted young lady. Gifts however must be guarded and properly guided. Otherwise we shall self-destruct when left to ourselves. Ironically we often are our own worst enemy.

God is the missing component in the equation for me. As a minister I'd love to help Lindsay get free and experience transformation fully.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Behavior Patterns of Someone Suffering From Drug Addiction

Denial. This is a very common trait displayed by not only a drug addict but the family and friends of drug addicts as well. Nobody wants to believe that their loved one is suffering from drug addiction and often times people will deceive themselves in order to make things seem better than they are.

In order to defeat this destructive pattern I have developed a very straight to the point article that will clearly identify a few of the undeniable behavior patterns exhibited by someone suffering from drug addiction.

1. Isolation

This is probably the most typical characteristic of drug addicts. Because of the overpowering effects caused by addiction, the addict will almost invariably fall into a deep isolation. They will separate themselves from family and friends and become very downdraught.

2. Irritability

Drug addicts often times loose their normal personality traits. They will become very short tempered and irritable. This is especially true if they are ever confronted on their drug abuse. If this happens, they will typically become very defensive and enraged.

3. Unmanagable life

In nearly all cases, someone suffering from drug addiction will begin to loose control of their material life. They will begin to have trouble affording their standard expenses and will frequently ask for some type of financial loan from people they are close to.

These are the 3 most common characteristics of someone suffering from drug addiction. If this sounds like someone you know then it is imperative that you begin to seek out help for them. This is important because in nearly all drug addiction cases, the addict will not reach out for help until things have gotten extremely bad.

You have the potential of acting as the bridge between despair and hope for your loved one. You can find an abundant amount of resources online or in your local community.

Best wishes!