Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Treating Prescription Drug Addiction

There is a major problem of prescription drug addiction in the US. Compared to illicit drugs which are reported in media, the havoc of prescription drugs is so destructive that most equate it to a silent killer as it is equally destructive. It has been seen that teenage and overtly health conscious people take to prescription drugs, where they self-medicate an illness or a health problem.

Soon, the usage turns into addiction, from where they seemingly hit a point of no return. In fact, it has been that girls are prone to prescription drug abuse than guys. People above the age of 60 are also addicted to this kind of medicinal abuse.

Since the 90s, prescription drug addiction has increased manifold. One of the biggest contributing factors is the easy availability of medicines online without the need of asking doctors to prescribe them. People begin to believe that if a particular medicine is good for one stomach ailment, it will be good for every stomach ailment.

There are many people who take medicines for weight loss or weight increase without even caring whether they are approved by the doctor or not. Most abused prescription drugs include opioids like Vicodin and Oxycontin and Central Nervous System depressants.

Though the police are cracking down heavily on marketing and selling of illegal prescription drugs, it is not possible to monitor all of them as they are sold on the web easily. The statistics given by various authorities on the dismal situation is indeed disheartening.

The good thing is drug rehabilitation centers are there to help each one of these people who are afflicted with this problem. If you see anyone in your family suffering from addiction to such drugs, make sure you let them know about the harmful effects of the intake and keep the medicines out of reach of such people. Take an addicted person to a rehabilitation center so that he or she gets well soon enough.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The magic formula for their children to participate in drug prevention

No joke, addiction, and refers to the effects of a variety of people, especially our young people. With the current lack of adequate prevention programs, it appears that the average age a child starts experimenting with drugs is getting younger. However, as a parent, there is something to help. One priority should be to engage our students to approach these often difficult and delicate. What is a DVD or a conference, if the childrenreally need to hear the news to sleep through it? Our children need real help and support is something I like to call the magic formula for the inclusion of his son in drug prevention.

Ingredient # 1: If I tell a young man, do something, you show or say what they do instead. Young people should never be available to complete the following alternatives: either the drug or have no friends, no fun, no sharing, etc. Instead, they often suggestunderestimate the choice: either the drugs or their favorite sports to win debates, DIY, make money, volunteers, etc. In other words, using alternatives, which are not, your social life, sacrificing fun approach and means to relieve stress. This can occur with a high natural? What do you want to be? What are the benefits for the future? Ask them how drugs can affect their passions and do lines of high natural drug intoxicationDecision. Research to develop ways to practice their skills or at least not without costs, may with great dedication. Outside of school most of the local parks and recreation classes or continuing vocational training center, a variety of healthy activities that are affordable, if not offered free. It can be something different in your city or state, but visit a local community center or, better yet, their students do not dig!

Ingredient # 2: Show the young birdshave already taken the right decisions and have proven successful, because it is. Students are constantly bombarded with news about artists, athletes and celebrities, habits of dependency to try to balance his career y. Young people must have exactly the opposite message: the famous people who have never taken drugs and have no desire to start. It helps to realize that only a small majority of the drug in the population (8.4%) throughout the country and isbecause the other 91.6% want to have anything to do with thought. To discuss these ideas with friends and even an anonymous survey, if possible. Contribute to an honest dialogue about "Everybody wants to" change in the brains of adolescents. If you can show everyone I am a pioneer in the prevention of construction!

Ingredient # 3: Go about a quarter of its conference on the verification of prevention messages. Studies have shown that preventionPrograms such as DARE, that the tactics of intimidation and intensive follow-up messages are not only ineffective, but in some cases increased the curiosity of students. Therefore, it can fly on the negative, but only those consequences that affect their students is in question. In a report of the Foundation, under the direction of the Sundt Memorial, students were asked to select three concerns about the negative consequences of drug and alcohol use, or the fearmore. Their responses were as follows: 95.7% chose the "death", 47.8% chose "Like a bad example for his younger brothers and sisters, friends or acquaintances, and 43.5% chose "my ruin Brain Power. "Unfortunately, there are many negative consequences associated with drug use, young people above. However, try to choose only 2-4 briefly touched and perhaps the provision of links or books where you can find more information on their own if it can be concerned. focus on finalpositive alternatives and promote additional support when in difficulty.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is Drug Addiction And Alcohol Addiction A Disease?

Is drug and alcohol addiction a matter of will power, choice or is it a disease? Despite matters of health, and the fact that nobody expects drug addiction and alcohol addiction to happen as a result of their use, it does. Why?

Let's examine these questions in detail.

First it's important to understand the cycle of addiction. When a person takes things like alcohol or drugs, these substances alter the chemical composition of the brain. Alcohol and drugs causes the brain to release endorphins, the pleasure causing agents. As a result the person loses all his inhibitions and feels "high". The process of addiction is a sine wave phenomenon with sharp peaks and troughs. As the intoxication wee ras off, a feeling of being let down or depression can occur. He starts craving for the next fix since his body demands it. The focus is on just a single thing, the next high or rush. He spends all his energy in getting the drug or the alcohol and nothing else matters.

In other words addiction is not a behavior issue, In fact it is a disease. Once the person is addicted, refusal skills or willpower weakens, and use becomes almost a conditioned reflex.

Who are at risk for addiction? Almost everyone is at a risk; however some people are at a greater risk of addiction than the others. A lot of factors come into play as far as addiction is concerned:

1. Genetics: When drug or substance abuse runs in the family, then there is a greater chance of the person getting addicted since the chemically altered nature of the brain may be hereditary.

2. Low self-esteem: low self esteem or depression tendency may also lead to addiction. There is a simple reason for this. People who have low self confidence or low self-esteem may be searching for easy ways to feel good. Drugs/alcohol gives them that high, which makes them feel that they are better than anyone else.

3. Emotional factors: There is a high risk for addiction for people who have not had their needs for love met, or known unconditional love. Such children want to be needed and loved, which they do not find at home and hence seek in peers. Most of the times, just to please their friends, they get into drugs or alcohol and oft time develops an addiction.

Addiction is a disease that ruins a capable and intelligent human being. This disease needs treatment like all the other diseases. The catch in this situation is that the patient is unaware of his problem and may even deny it. Therefore it is crucial to handle the patient with understanding and love. With the right treatment addiction to drugs and alcohol can be cured and the persons' life put back in order.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Role of Drug Rehab Centers in the Life of an Addict

Drug activity and doping is rising very high worldwide. People from various ages and especially the young people are getting addicted to different types of substances, alcohol and drugs in a high rate. The drug abuse statistic is very high. Maine is a place is coming in to the lime lights because of this problem. The statistic is very alarming there and if you are staying anywhere near Maine you need to be very careful. If you feel that anyone near you behaving differently and can be a drug addict then it is your time to bring that person to any reputed Maine drug rehab centers.

For an addicted person, the thought process is usually absolutely different than any normal person. You may feel that addiction is harmful and one must not get into this. But once you get addicted you won't be able to find the courage to come back to life. You start depending on the addiction. In today's hectic life the young people are getting trapped into addiction for this reason mainly. There are real good and reputed Maine drug rehab centers where the experts help the people to see life from a new point of view. The experts check the condition of the patient first and then they decide on the type of treatment they are going to do. The main treatment the experts do is to make the person believe in what he or she is capable of and that other people will surely accept him back in the society.

The Maine drug rehab centers work on a diagnosis based way. After that, the detoxification process takes place. The duration of the total process may vary on the situation and condition of the patient. If you want any help regarding any substance abuse or alcohol addiction, then you can get a lot of help from Drugs no.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Insights About Drug Addiction

Drugs are used for medication of different ailments. It is sometimes prescribed alone for home treatment or it is advice with equipment like Elisa kits. The problem with home meds is that, they can make the patient take the medicines in high dosage or even if it is not necessary. Unlike in the hospitals, the attending nurse or physician supervises medicine intakes. With this kind of situation, patients tend to drink medicines even after the treatment. They became addicts to the medicines.

Drug addiction is not only about the use of prohibited drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin and such. As long as there is an excessive use of drugs, there is always an abuse.

Why people engage in this kind of situations? Most of us may think it is because of society or maybe it is because of the influence by others. As an observation, here is the most common factor why teenagers and adults result in drug addiction.

o Peer pressure- this depends on the society we live in. Now for some, the people around them is the main factor why they become drug addicts. At first, it will be just for fun, a one-time event. Then after, it will become a hobby.

o Influence - in our modern times, everything is accessible- web, televisions and other stuff. Some young men and women adopt the things they watch. For example, they are watching this TV series, and one of the characters uses drugs. He or she also will use drugs TVs claim it is okay.

o Problems- now, it can be family problems or any kind of problem. When you are in the influence of drugs, somehow, you are able to neither relax and think nor feel anything. For some, it is an outlet of their emotions.

o For fun - during parties, teenagers use different kinds of drug for a different kind of pleasure. They are not contented with the intoxication of alcohol; rather, they use drugs for fun.

Having a drug addict in the family, does not only affect the person, but the entire family. Of course, parents usually blame themselves for not raising their children well. In fact, it is the fault of their child.

Parents help their child by taking them to a physician to run some drug test using Elisa kits. After which, if the child is positive to certain drugs, it is the discretion of the parents to take their child to a rehabilitation center or not. Most important is that drug addicts need the support, attention and love of their family. Remember that they are in a state where they cannot even help themselves, so give them the support they need.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What Makes Drug Addiction Start?

People do not set out to become addicts. It's not like going to the gym to change your body to promote health and fitness. It's not like people take crack cocaine for the first time because they truly believe it's the best possible way to a better life. They take it for its effect. They want to get high. The problem is that the high is captivating.

Even if addiction does not set in, getting high becomes an alternative to experiencing life as it is. Users want to feel good, so they get high. Some users want to escape the realities of life, so they get high. They numb the pain. In either case, there is something missing. There is a hole in their heart and they try to fill it.

Our experience of life holds the key to understanding what is missing. We go through life gathering information and storing it in our memory. The information we gather is filtered by our mind and we add our interpretation of the event on to the event itself. It is how we interpret the event that assigns negative or positive to the experience. For example, I fail a test in school. I can either interpret this as an opportunity to improve and do better next time, or I can chose to dwell on the failure and perhaps even turn the event into a crisis. In both cases, my interpretation of the present is determined largely by our past.

Addiction disease may require a medical intervention, but there is also a spiritual component to it, and that spiritual component deals directly with the interpretation of life events. The need to use may be locked in a distant memory, or event a series of memories. That's where psychotherapy comes in. Like peeling an onion, the task is to find the original memory. In his book, "When Feelings Don't Come Easy," therapist Craig A. Miller talks about the necessity for people to find their feelings, and express those feelings. As an adult, one may look back at a childhood event and relive the emotions of the event, and through that reliving of the event learn to interpret as an adult. The Apostle Paul said that when he was a child, he thought like a child. As an adult, he thinks like an adult. Through reliving events, people can find the truth about those events and receive healing for the hurts.

The value of therapy to unlock feelings is enormous. As a pastor and chaplain, I firmly believe in a Christian-based approach to the therapy, based upon accepted psychotherapeutic theories and techniques. I have seen too many religious quacks, spewing out a toxic faith that leads to doing more damage. Remember, we are body, mind and spirit, and so trained professionals in each area are best suited to help people get in touch with their memories and the feelings that accompany them.