Friday, December 31, 2010

Cause of Addiction

That people have a loved one or a drug addiction are selfish, you can ask is because of drugs? Dependency that "The cause of addiction is a complex problem, with each person, the circumstances has their own set, but some common factors that addiction can help the cause of drug use.

Curiosity about human beings are born curious and information about drugs is everywhere. It 'hard not to wonder what theHype, if you have never taught otherwise.Gateway drug, a person may have started with something less of marijuana dependence and look better contact with the top, with heavier materials, which offer a different type of high.Anxiety, depressed mood, low self-esteem and stress of a person and the welfare state can be an important role in the perception that a person of good and evil. If you add the mix of drugs, is a circle with destruction.Peerthe pressure is not just children, adults are also under pressure - Everyone has their colleagues and the continued high, which is acceptable in your social circle of influence, is under pressure to perform or act in the same reality perception way. Alteration drug change your mood and it is precisely for this reason that many people start with drugs and trying to keep the mind in a second state can, and usually not at the initiative of addiction. EnvironmentWe areThe reflection of our environment. If a person in a household where drugs are part of life, or a culture in which he accepted the drug increases, then it is more likely to also become curious about the first and immediately hooked.

These are some of the most common things that can cause addiction. The hardest part of the cause of addiction are changes in brain chemistry that occur when a person uses.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Relapse - Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment's Number One Problem

Relapse is the number one problem that drug addicts and alcoholics face in the early years of their struggle for long term recovery. This phenomenon is baffling not only to addicts and alcoholics themselves, but to their family and friends as well. When they are clean and sober their lives improve physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. It is tragic to watch it crumble when they pick up or drink again. The haunting question is this: Why does it happen?

For those not in the field of addiction, the answer has historically been that the sufferer has some type of character deficiency; a lack of self control, low moral standards and/or not loving the family enough to stay clean and sober. Although these characteristics are present in most addicts and alcoholics to some degree, they actually play a very small role in relapse. The major causes of relapse are physical, mental, emotional and behavioral complications that surface after the detoxification process and the initial period of treatment have been completed.

Physical Components of Relapse

When a person stops using drugs or drinking alcohol, the body goes into withdrawal. This can be extremely uncomfortable. Withdrawal symptoms can include but are not limited to: sweating, shaking, dehydration, seizures, fever, stomach pain, muscle cramps, chills, disorientation, and hallucinations. These symptoms can be so bad that the person drinks or uses drugs again to stop them, which puts the person right back where they started.

The physical discomfort of withdrawal can be eased by medical detoxification. This procedure reduces the discomfort and allows the person to get the majority of the substances out of their system. What is not common knowledge is that it can take as much as 3 - 6 months (and in some cases a number of years) for all of the substances to be flushed from the body through its natural cleansing process. As the substances are exiting the organs and intramuscular hiding places, they trigger a physical craving for the substance. This is called Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (P.A.W.S.), and is one of the primary contributors to and causes of relapse.

Mental Components of Relapse

After years of use and abuse, the brain has taken a beating, and the thought processes of the addict or alcoholic have become severely compromised. It can take up to 18 - 24 months for the neurotransmitters to stabilize and the brain to have normal functioning. Short term memory loss, inability to handle stress, poor judgment and depression are just a few of the mental side effects of long term substance abuse.

The way alcoholics and addicts think about things is difficult for the average person to understand. The fact that their lives have been damaged by their drinking and using seems to elude them. Common sense and good decision making do not exist; spending their paycheck on drugs or alcohol instead of paying the rent actually makes sense to the addict or alcoholic.

Emotional Components of Relapse

Alcoholics and Addicts generally have extreme difficulty processing and coping with strong emotions of any kind. They have developed over time a set of emotional reactions to everyday events that are filled with feelings of insecurity, resentment, fear, hopelessness, helplessness and the like. They love to play the victim, and have difficulty taking responsibility for their actions.

Most substance abusers have the emotional age and skills of a child or teenager, and their go-to coping mechanism is to pick up a drink or a drug. Therefore, it is not surprising that when these feelings surface, the first thing that the Addict or Alcoholic thinks about is picking up a drink or a drug to make the bad feelings go away.

Relapse can be precipitated by any strong emotion, and without an effective strategy for dealing with those emotions, the Addict or Alcoholic is vulnerable to it.

Behavioral Components of Relapse

Over the course of time, Alcoholics and Addicts develop behavior patterns that center around drinking and using. They tend to associate with people that are like them, and spend most of their leisure time drinking and using. Their work suffers; they are late, miss work, don't complete tasks, and are fired regularly for their inability to perform. They spend money that they don't have, and commonly put themselves in dire financial positions because they are buying alcohol and drugs instead of food.

The answer to the question is this: physical cravings that surface as a result of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, combined with poor thinking and an inability to deal effectively with excessive emotions lead to the old behavior of drinking or using drugs to feel better. These elements, in combination or alone, are the cause of every relapse.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Facts About Alcohol & Drug Addiction

Pregnancy is one of the times in your life where alcohol can have a devastating effect. Most doctors will advise you to seek immediate treatment if you are pregnant and can't stop drinking, simply because the effects of alcohol on your developing fetus can be fatal.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can also affect your developing fetus for the life of the child. Your child can be born with deformities, learning disabilities and even be mentally challenged.

Effects of Alcohol Addiction on Personal Relationships

If you have friends and family who have suggested that you seek treatment for your addiction, then you probably have good reason to listen to their advice. Often, becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol takes place gradually, so that you may not even realize that you have a problem. Your friends and family know you better than anyone else, and are your first clue that you need help.

Often, not taking their advice and seeking help leads to strained relationships. After dealing with addiction for an extended time, you may wake up one morning to find that you have no friends and family who are willing to spend time with you, until you receive treatment for your addiction.

Health Effects of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can have serious, even fatal, consequences. Drinking alcohol on a regular basis often leads to poor nutrition, and also reduces the body's ability to properly absorb and regulate digestion.

After a while, you will experience severe shortages of vital minerals and vitamins in your body due to alcohol addiction. These shortages can lead to brain damage, which is typically the result of a thiamine deficiency. A thiamine deficiency can also cause encephalopathy, which can be fatal.

Liver Damage

Long term, heavy use of alcohol can also lead to liver damage. Cirrhosis of the liver is common in those who suffer from long term alcohol addiction, and is also a life threatening condition. While some people can receive treatment for the condition, it is one that will remain with you for the rest of your life.

Binge drinking can also cause alcoholic hepatitis, which results in liver damage. This type of liver damage is also very dangerous, and calls for immediate treatment by a medical professional.

Dangers of Alcohol

As you can see, alcohol addiction can severely impair your quality of life. Seeking treatment for alcohol addiction can help you repair your personal relationships, and help you work toward regaining your physical health.

Some of the conditions caused by alcohol addiction are long term health problems that can only be helped and prevented by eliminating alcohol use. These chronic conditions can cause serious illness, and if left untreated, can lead to death. It is important that you seek help, both for the medical conditions and for your addiction, as soon as possible.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Common Stereotypes and Misconceptions That Surround Drug Addiction and Recovery

It is not really a very long period of time before someone becomes physically addicted to drugs. The drugs will change the way the brain works as well as the composition of their blood. The person then becomes dependent on the drug and will be obsessed with getting more. Because of this, it can be said that the first time drugs were used was a voluntary action. However, the addictive substances in the drugs take over making it close to impossible for the user to stop.

Another stereotype that surrounds drug addiction is that those who take drugs are terrible people. More often than not, the person who is addicted to drugs has an addictive personality making him predisposed to becoming addicted. It doesn't matter what the drug is. The effect on the brain is the same. As soon as addictive substances start to affect the brain, the person will have a physical and mental desire for more drugs. That need will take over and nothing else will matter. The addiction is not a terrible person's disease. Although addicts often show erratic behavior, those who are predisposed to addiction do not necessarily have disturbing characteristics. Drug addiction can happen to everyone.

Among the most common misconception related to drug addiction is that no treatment will work unless the addicted wants it to work. Most drug addicts will say that they do not want treatment and many people who are addicted to drugs will enter a drug rehabilitation facility because they are forced to by a court or their families. Actual studies around this show that the reason why a person enters a treatment facility really does not matter. If the program is thorough and is actually effective, there is no reason why a person who initially did not want treatment cannot successfully go through the program and recover.

One of the saddest myths us that people who are addicted to drugs are a waste of time and effort. Addiction is a disease and it is something that the addict will suffer from if there is no help and support available. No one should be considered a hopeless case. There are many addicts who move past their addiction and go on to lead very productive lives. Moving past an addiction can be something that is very difficult to go through. However, living with an addiction is surely much harder.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Substance abuse among celebrities

There is no limit for people addicted to drugs and the problem does not concern him. Because of the lifestyle of celebrities in the world has known, and there are a lot more pressure on these people, who are often turned to drugs. Of course, nothing new to hear yours, other celebrities involved in the rehabilitation of addicts. It 's just a normal part of life in Hollywood.

Of course, everyone has heard ofbig name celebrities like Whitney Houston, Keith Urban, Charlie Sheen, Robert Downey, among many others, which should provide passed through the detox for drug problems, Dass course, the list is long, and I say much more, I know that question is why many celebrities are based on the life of dependency?

As normal people out there that the stresses of life, suffering from celebritiesunlike the average citizen. It must, of course, the problems that are much larger than the average to maintain. They, along with the normal stresses of every day, to meet the press, executives, critics, media, and remember that not everything they say is recorded.

In the world of the rich and famous celebrities face great uncertainty. If these people are trying to find a solution to these uncertainties in a way that allThe problems are exposed, they often turn to drugs as a solution. Of course, this is not the problem of the people to sudden fame.

There are many different cases in people gained instant fame during the night, simply can not cope. Living in private life, which is used is no longer an option when the newspapers and the media are always there to record their daily movements. This is obviously not the 'Thousands of fans trying to follow celebrities everywhere.

Of course, there are people who say they do not solve the problems of addiction, as if they were immune to these difficulties. Often they say, because more money than you are an employee, only one thing to try anyway. When a celebrity is more stressful than any other type of employment and most of the time a person on drugs because of stress Resortdue.

Of course, any drug, because the celebrity is or is not, or addiction. It 's the same amount of gravity and is so difficult in both directions. Sign why so many celebrities in rehab to cure their problems. The rehabilitation of the most famous, the dependence of many celebrities to drugs to try to overcome their problems and the promise of the Betty Ford Clinic.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Drug abuse

Drug addiction is a serious global challenge, the lives of countless people around him. Especially among young people is also a drug at a high rate of increase. There are millions of kids who fall into this deadly habit that ruins the life of the young. Several reasons may cause dependence, the drug problem. Some may start taking drugs for the sake of fun, while others are medications for depression.There are people who are dependent because of loneliness or other problems have become their lives. Some boys are also starting to use drugs, how they feel cold on it.

The problem with addiction is that it is a slow process. People do not know when all become addicts. You might think that the abandonment of all time, but over time, become more difficult to achieve. Today, people with pain, whereas in the past, drugsas cocaine, heroin, etc. were used. Analgesics containing the same active ingredient in other medicines. He called opioids. Opium poppy. Proceedings of the brain that controls feelings of pleasure. Unlike other drugs, the percentage of opioid analgesics for the decreased pleasure, but there are similar.

How to treat drug addiction?

At this moment there are a number of medical treatments that allowAddicts to lead a normal life. One of the easiest and best for the treatment of drug addiction, drug rehabilitation centers for treatment. There are many of these centers, drug treatment in order to live normally again. The process is long and difficult. This is the reason that drug abuse is in itself very difficult to beat. It 'important to seek treatment for detoxification best, as Promise cent recovery rate.

Do you think that the treatment of addiction is much the responsibility of the center is the responsibility of rehabilitation. Drug users have their minds and be strong and be patient if they are useful to overcome their desire to treat addiction to the contrary are not sufficient to demonstrate rehabilitation. It 'important to determine drug use and strong, so the disease can get rid ofAddiction> to a lifetime of personal and professional success.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Alcohol and drug abuse

There are scary things in our world today, but none is more scary than an addiction to drugs and alcohol. There is a growing problem in our society, and drug and alcohol abuse is to break a bone so hard to talk.

Alcohol and drugs that make people feel good. When you feel capable of these feelings, which can be used more just to get that feeling up. Finally, medications and / or alcohol to a person who lives up to completecontrolled for the effects they used. We can say we have a problem, but when I start the painful withdrawal symptoms, it seems a better choice than to suffer a lot.

The United States has declared a "war on drugs." This is a great effort, but may be too large to control the epidemic. The truth is that if we have a personal interest in healing people around us, we are able to take over the problem of a person at a time - if we're lucky.

In recognition ofThe signs of addiction to alcohol and drugs are actually pretty simple - if you know what you're looking for. During the following signs are merely suggestions research will not be easy:

Chronic bloodshot eyes *
* Perform other than normal
* More and disappear for a while '
* Problems with work or school
* The excessive shaking or tremors
* Financial problems
* Avoiding social situations
* Incomprehensible or SpaceyTalk

If you recognize any of these symptoms in a loved one, you should take steps to deal with your loved ones and try to lead the recovery effort. The process is not easy, but if you take the time to help them achieve what they are doing is harmful, not only for them but around them, can contribute to greater openness.

Addiction to alcohol and drugs, the world can be harmful to the families of all. What went on with life and canRuin in a moment. Alcoholism and drug addiction are serious illnesses that should not be overlooked. If you think you or a loved one is facing this serious problem, get help now!

There are more resources available than ever when it comes to drugs and alcohol. If you are looking for consulting services to help a rehabilitation center or a steady hand, it is essential that in any case to help the drug andAlcohol addiction can be overcome, but before there is recognition that a problem. This does not mean weakness, which really means strength!