Friday, December 31, 2010

Cause of Addiction

That people have a loved one or a drug addiction are selfish, you can ask is because of drugs? Dependency that "The cause of addiction is a complex problem, with each person, the circumstances has their own set, but some common factors that addiction can help the cause of drug use.

Curiosity about human beings are born curious and information about drugs is everywhere. It 'hard not to wonder what theHype, if you have never taught otherwise.Gateway drug, a person may have started with something less of marijuana dependence and look better contact with the top, with heavier materials, which offer a different type of high.Anxiety, depressed mood, low self-esteem and stress of a person and the welfare state can be an important role in the perception that a person of good and evil. If you add the mix of drugs, is a circle with destruction.Peerthe pressure is not just children, adults are also under pressure - Everyone has their colleagues and the continued high, which is acceptable in your social circle of influence, is under pressure to perform or act in the same reality perception way. Alteration drug change your mood and it is precisely for this reason that many people start with drugs and trying to keep the mind in a second state can, and usually not at the initiative of addiction. EnvironmentWe areThe reflection of our environment. If a person in a household where drugs are part of life, or a culture in which he accepted the drug increases, then it is more likely to also become curious about the first and immediately hooked.

These are some of the most common things that can cause addiction. The hardest part of the cause of addiction are changes in brain chemistry that occur when a person uses.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Relapse - Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment's Number One Problem

Relapse is the number one problem that drug addicts and alcoholics face in the early years of their struggle for long term recovery. This phenomenon is baffling not only to addicts and alcoholics themselves, but to their family and friends as well. When they are clean and sober their lives improve physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. It is tragic to watch it crumble when they pick up or drink again. The haunting question is this: Why does it happen?

For those not in the field of addiction, the answer has historically been that the sufferer has some type of character deficiency; a lack of self control, low moral standards and/or not loving the family enough to stay clean and sober. Although these characteristics are present in most addicts and alcoholics to some degree, they actually play a very small role in relapse. The major causes of relapse are physical, mental, emotional and behavioral complications that surface after the detoxification process and the initial period of treatment have been completed.

Physical Components of Relapse

When a person stops using drugs or drinking alcohol, the body goes into withdrawal. This can be extremely uncomfortable. Withdrawal symptoms can include but are not limited to: sweating, shaking, dehydration, seizures, fever, stomach pain, muscle cramps, chills, disorientation, and hallucinations. These symptoms can be so bad that the person drinks or uses drugs again to stop them, which puts the person right back where they started.

The physical discomfort of withdrawal can be eased by medical detoxification. This procedure reduces the discomfort and allows the person to get the majority of the substances out of their system. What is not common knowledge is that it can take as much as 3 - 6 months (and in some cases a number of years) for all of the substances to be flushed from the body through its natural cleansing process. As the substances are exiting the organs and intramuscular hiding places, they trigger a physical craving for the substance. This is called Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (P.A.W.S.), and is one of the primary contributors to and causes of relapse.

Mental Components of Relapse

After years of use and abuse, the brain has taken a beating, and the thought processes of the addict or alcoholic have become severely compromised. It can take up to 18 - 24 months for the neurotransmitters to stabilize and the brain to have normal functioning. Short term memory loss, inability to handle stress, poor judgment and depression are just a few of the mental side effects of long term substance abuse.

The way alcoholics and addicts think about things is difficult for the average person to understand. The fact that their lives have been damaged by their drinking and using seems to elude them. Common sense and good decision making do not exist; spending their paycheck on drugs or alcohol instead of paying the rent actually makes sense to the addict or alcoholic.

Emotional Components of Relapse

Alcoholics and Addicts generally have extreme difficulty processing and coping with strong emotions of any kind. They have developed over time a set of emotional reactions to everyday events that are filled with feelings of insecurity, resentment, fear, hopelessness, helplessness and the like. They love to play the victim, and have difficulty taking responsibility for their actions.

Most substance abusers have the emotional age and skills of a child or teenager, and their go-to coping mechanism is to pick up a drink or a drug. Therefore, it is not surprising that when these feelings surface, the first thing that the Addict or Alcoholic thinks about is picking up a drink or a drug to make the bad feelings go away.

Relapse can be precipitated by any strong emotion, and without an effective strategy for dealing with those emotions, the Addict or Alcoholic is vulnerable to it.

Behavioral Components of Relapse

Over the course of time, Alcoholics and Addicts develop behavior patterns that center around drinking and using. They tend to associate with people that are like them, and spend most of their leisure time drinking and using. Their work suffers; they are late, miss work, don't complete tasks, and are fired regularly for their inability to perform. They spend money that they don't have, and commonly put themselves in dire financial positions because they are buying alcohol and drugs instead of food.

The answer to the question is this: physical cravings that surface as a result of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, combined with poor thinking and an inability to deal effectively with excessive emotions lead to the old behavior of drinking or using drugs to feel better. These elements, in combination or alone, are the cause of every relapse.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Facts About Alcohol & Drug Addiction

Pregnancy is one of the times in your life where alcohol can have a devastating effect. Most doctors will advise you to seek immediate treatment if you are pregnant and can't stop drinking, simply because the effects of alcohol on your developing fetus can be fatal.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can also affect your developing fetus for the life of the child. Your child can be born with deformities, learning disabilities and even be mentally challenged.

Effects of Alcohol Addiction on Personal Relationships

If you have friends and family who have suggested that you seek treatment for your addiction, then you probably have good reason to listen to their advice. Often, becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol takes place gradually, so that you may not even realize that you have a problem. Your friends and family know you better than anyone else, and are your first clue that you need help.

Often, not taking their advice and seeking help leads to strained relationships. After dealing with addiction for an extended time, you may wake up one morning to find that you have no friends and family who are willing to spend time with you, until you receive treatment for your addiction.

Health Effects of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can have serious, even fatal, consequences. Drinking alcohol on a regular basis often leads to poor nutrition, and also reduces the body's ability to properly absorb and regulate digestion.

After a while, you will experience severe shortages of vital minerals and vitamins in your body due to alcohol addiction. These shortages can lead to brain damage, which is typically the result of a thiamine deficiency. A thiamine deficiency can also cause encephalopathy, which can be fatal.

Liver Damage

Long term, heavy use of alcohol can also lead to liver damage. Cirrhosis of the liver is common in those who suffer from long term alcohol addiction, and is also a life threatening condition. While some people can receive treatment for the condition, it is one that will remain with you for the rest of your life.

Binge drinking can also cause alcoholic hepatitis, which results in liver damage. This type of liver damage is also very dangerous, and calls for immediate treatment by a medical professional.

Dangers of Alcohol

As you can see, alcohol addiction can severely impair your quality of life. Seeking treatment for alcohol addiction can help you repair your personal relationships, and help you work toward regaining your physical health.

Some of the conditions caused by alcohol addiction are long term health problems that can only be helped and prevented by eliminating alcohol use. These chronic conditions can cause serious illness, and if left untreated, can lead to death. It is important that you seek help, both for the medical conditions and for your addiction, as soon as possible.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Common Stereotypes and Misconceptions That Surround Drug Addiction and Recovery

It is not really a very long period of time before someone becomes physically addicted to drugs. The drugs will change the way the brain works as well as the composition of their blood. The person then becomes dependent on the drug and will be obsessed with getting more. Because of this, it can be said that the first time drugs were used was a voluntary action. However, the addictive substances in the drugs take over making it close to impossible for the user to stop.

Another stereotype that surrounds drug addiction is that those who take drugs are terrible people. More often than not, the person who is addicted to drugs has an addictive personality making him predisposed to becoming addicted. It doesn't matter what the drug is. The effect on the brain is the same. As soon as addictive substances start to affect the brain, the person will have a physical and mental desire for more drugs. That need will take over and nothing else will matter. The addiction is not a terrible person's disease. Although addicts often show erratic behavior, those who are predisposed to addiction do not necessarily have disturbing characteristics. Drug addiction can happen to everyone.

Among the most common misconception related to drug addiction is that no treatment will work unless the addicted wants it to work. Most drug addicts will say that they do not want treatment and many people who are addicted to drugs will enter a drug rehabilitation facility because they are forced to by a court or their families. Actual studies around this show that the reason why a person enters a treatment facility really does not matter. If the program is thorough and is actually effective, there is no reason why a person who initially did not want treatment cannot successfully go through the program and recover.

One of the saddest myths us that people who are addicted to drugs are a waste of time and effort. Addiction is a disease and it is something that the addict will suffer from if there is no help and support available. No one should be considered a hopeless case. There are many addicts who move past their addiction and go on to lead very productive lives. Moving past an addiction can be something that is very difficult to go through. However, living with an addiction is surely much harder.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Substance abuse among celebrities

There is no limit for people addicted to drugs and the problem does not concern him. Because of the lifestyle of celebrities in the world has known, and there are a lot more pressure on these people, who are often turned to drugs. Of course, nothing new to hear yours, other celebrities involved in the rehabilitation of addicts. It 's just a normal part of life in Hollywood.

Of course, everyone has heard ofbig name celebrities like Whitney Houston, Keith Urban, Charlie Sheen, Robert Downey, among many others, which should provide passed through the detox for drug problems, Dass course, the list is long, and I say much more, I know that question is why many celebrities are based on the life of dependency?

As normal people out there that the stresses of life, suffering from celebritiesunlike the average citizen. It must, of course, the problems that are much larger than the average to maintain. They, along with the normal stresses of every day, to meet the press, executives, critics, media, and remember that not everything they say is recorded.

In the world of the rich and famous celebrities face great uncertainty. If these people are trying to find a solution to these uncertainties in a way that allThe problems are exposed, they often turn to drugs as a solution. Of course, this is not the problem of the people to sudden fame.

There are many different cases in people gained instant fame during the night, simply can not cope. Living in private life, which is used is no longer an option when the newspapers and the media are always there to record their daily movements. This is obviously not the 'Thousands of fans trying to follow celebrities everywhere.

Of course, there are people who say they do not solve the problems of addiction, as if they were immune to these difficulties. Often they say, because more money than you are an employee, only one thing to try anyway. When a celebrity is more stressful than any other type of employment and most of the time a person on drugs because of stress Resortdue.

Of course, any drug, because the celebrity is or is not, or addiction. It 's the same amount of gravity and is so difficult in both directions. Sign why so many celebrities in rehab to cure their problems. The rehabilitation of the most famous, the dependence of many celebrities to drugs to try to overcome their problems and the promise of the Betty Ford Clinic.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Drug abuse

Drug addiction is a serious global challenge, the lives of countless people around him. Especially among young people is also a drug at a high rate of increase. There are millions of kids who fall into this deadly habit that ruins the life of the young. Several reasons may cause dependence, the drug problem. Some may start taking drugs for the sake of fun, while others are medications for depression.There are people who are dependent because of loneliness or other problems have become their lives. Some boys are also starting to use drugs, how they feel cold on it.

The problem with addiction is that it is a slow process. People do not know when all become addicts. You might think that the abandonment of all time, but over time, become more difficult to achieve. Today, people with pain, whereas in the past, drugsas cocaine, heroin, etc. were used. Analgesics containing the same active ingredient in other medicines. He called opioids. Opium poppy. Proceedings of the brain that controls feelings of pleasure. Unlike other drugs, the percentage of opioid analgesics for the decreased pleasure, but there are similar.

How to treat drug addiction?

At this moment there are a number of medical treatments that allowAddicts to lead a normal life. One of the easiest and best for the treatment of drug addiction, drug rehabilitation centers for treatment. There are many of these centers, drug treatment in order to live normally again. The process is long and difficult. This is the reason that drug abuse is in itself very difficult to beat. It 'important to seek treatment for detoxification best, as Promise cent recovery rate.

Do you think that the treatment of addiction is much the responsibility of the center is the responsibility of rehabilitation. Drug users have their minds and be strong and be patient if they are useful to overcome their desire to treat addiction to the contrary are not sufficient to demonstrate rehabilitation. It 'important to determine drug use and strong, so the disease can get rid ofAddiction> to a lifetime of personal and professional success.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Alcohol and drug abuse

There are scary things in our world today, but none is more scary than an addiction to drugs and alcohol. There is a growing problem in our society, and drug and alcohol abuse is to break a bone so hard to talk.

Alcohol and drugs that make people feel good. When you feel capable of these feelings, which can be used more just to get that feeling up. Finally, medications and / or alcohol to a person who lives up to completecontrolled for the effects they used. We can say we have a problem, but when I start the painful withdrawal symptoms, it seems a better choice than to suffer a lot.

The United States has declared a "war on drugs." This is a great effort, but may be too large to control the epidemic. The truth is that if we have a personal interest in healing people around us, we are able to take over the problem of a person at a time - if we're lucky.

In recognition ofThe signs of addiction to alcohol and drugs are actually pretty simple - if you know what you're looking for. During the following signs are merely suggestions research will not be easy:

Chronic bloodshot eyes *
* Perform other than normal
* More and disappear for a while '
* Problems with work or school
* The excessive shaking or tremors
* Financial problems
* Avoiding social situations
* Incomprehensible or SpaceyTalk

If you recognize any of these symptoms in a loved one, you should take steps to deal with your loved ones and try to lead the recovery effort. The process is not easy, but if you take the time to help them achieve what they are doing is harmful, not only for them but around them, can contribute to greater openness.

Addiction to alcohol and drugs, the world can be harmful to the families of all. What went on with life and canRuin in a moment. Alcoholism and drug addiction are serious illnesses that should not be overlooked. If you think you or a loved one is facing this serious problem, get help now!

There are more resources available than ever when it comes to drugs and alcohol. If you are looking for consulting services to help a rehabilitation center or a steady hand, it is essential that in any case to help the drug andAlcohol addiction can be overcome, but before there is recognition that a problem. This does not mean weakness, which really means strength!

Monday, November 29, 2010

What is the treatment of addiction?

Substance abuse in an individual capable of handling problems forced vary good. People who use drugs from all walks of life become addicted. Many people who have mental health, work, health or social problems such as the creation of more dramatic diseases to be treated rough. Even if you just connect the effects, the severity of addiction itself bar considerably between people.

A mixture of attacks on the science of medicine> Processing Dependency exists. Drug treatment can include behavioral therapy, such as counseling, cognitive therapy or psychotherapy, medication or a combination of both. behavioral therapies offer strategies for dealing with people in their desire for drugs, they can afford to stay away from drugs and to stop the relapse, and help them cope during the acquisition takes place. Once a person related to the behavior of drugs makes it a significant risk for AIDS orother infectious diseases, behavioral therapies can help eliminate the risk of disease transmission. Case management and referral to other medical, psychological and social essential treatment in some patients. The best programs offer a combination of therapies and other services to the needs of individual users, which are determined by issues such as age, race, culture, sexual orientation, sexuality, pregnancy, education, housing and employment to meetand physical and sexual abuse.

Drug treatment can include behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination.

Drugs for treatment such as methadone, LAAM and naltrexone are for people addicted to opiates for disposal. Bupropion and nicotine preparations are available for those addicted to nicotine.

Withdrawal symptoms

The spectrum of withdrawal symptoms and duration of expression of these symptoms after stoppingAlcohol related to the amount of alcohol consumption and duration of drug from the consumption pattern of the previous one. Almost all patients have a spectrum of symptoms similar to each episode of alcohol withdrawal.

withdrawal syndrome can occur while the patient remains a measurable level of alcohol in the blood. These symptoms include insomnia, mild fear and trembling. Patients with alcohol hallucinosis experience visual, auditory, tactile orHallucinations, but an otherwise clear sensorium.

withdrawal seizures are more reciprocal in patients with a history of multiple episodes of detoxification. Other causes of alcohol withdrawal should be considered if seizures are focal, if there is no definitive history of recent abstinence from drinking, if seizures more than 48 hours will be held after the last glass of the patient or the patient has a history of fever or trauma.

Evaluation of drug in alcoholCollection

The test of history and physical, diagnosis and severity of alcohol withdrawal. relevant historical research include the amount of alcohol consumption, duration of alcohol consumption, time elapsed since the last drink, abstinence from alcohol before, with concomitant medical problems or psychiatric abuse and additional resources. In addition to distinguishing the symptoms of withdrawal need to assess the physical examination may aggravate medical conditions,including cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, heart disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, infections, liver disease, nervous system disorders, and pancreatitis. main laboratory tests include a CBC, liver function, a screen for drugs in urine and the dose of alcohol in the blood and electrolyte balance.

The revised Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol (CIWA-Ar) is a ten-point rating scale confirmation tool that can be usedto measure the severity of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and to control and treat the movement of the patient withdrawal. CIWA-Ar score of eight points or less correspond to mild withdrawal, can be compared with 9 to 15 points moderate withdrawal, and has more than 15 points for the severe withdrawal symptoms and increased risk of delirium tremens and seizures.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Drug treatment

If treatment just read an article on drug addiction, it is likely that you or someone you love has a drug problem and trying to figure out how to fix the problem. The problem may be new or may have, for years. In all cases, it is important for proper treatment to use if you do not want to deal with the problem years ago.

What are my options?

Outpatient treatment: Often, theseThe programs are less successful. An addict needs help when withdrawal symptoms can be severe, so much pain from drug addicts to use drugs again to get relief, even if you really want to quit smoking. There is also the problem of 'environment. Staying in the same environment in which the person has taken drugs, with all the problems themselves, friends, habits, etc., can be very difficult for them to change.

detoxification programs: supervised detoxification programscan help a drug addict for a secure and ensure that their basic needs during the process provided a true addict often need a control in a treatment center for substance abuse. Addiction clinic to help them through the process of retirement, but the problems caused by drugs are produced in the first. Many addicts commit the mistake of thinking that if they are no longer taking the medication once you are able to stay away from him on his own. In general,this is not the case - although there are exceptions.

Narcotics Anonymous: How Alcoholics Anonymous has helped many people in this program. But many are not and relapse. And others who attend the meetings for the rest of their lives. Some come several times a day. But because they need the support of the day, over the years, because the cause of his addiction has never been successfully treated if - as would be a good addictionCenter.

Drug substitution treatment: the substitute drug methadone more common. People who have heroin or other drugs, instead of taking methadone. Are still employed, but they changed their dose of methadone. Methadone is very difficult to get much worse than heroin, and sometimes people in the wind for the rest of their lives. methadone often lead developers to believe that drug addicts who have taken have caused irreversible brain damageTo avoid being in a position, without drugs of any kind or another function. However, people are usually not tested if this is the case for what they do with methadone without a valid reason, you may place the first time I have been cured of their addiction to reality and the problems arising from this direction that had a Another type of treatment.

detoxification, residential short-term: These programs usually last 30 days, enough time for Person to go through withdrawal, but not much else. Very little, if appropriate, the rehabilitation has taken place, and the causes of addiction were not addressed. You can expect that the vast majority of graduates to relapse - perhaps up to 95%.

long-term residential drug rehabilitation: This method was more successful a. Remove the person from their environment, they are released from their normal influences and focus on solving problems and their Dependence> without distractions. The first step is to resign, then the person begins to understand why she was dependent, first and acquire life skills that help overcome these problems. At the end of things, which are sent to a program for a new life. A good long-term residential drug treatment center is also always the person in good physical shape and condition.

Although not all the possibilities of relapse after a long period residential> The treatment of drug addiction are much lower than any other model of treatment.

If you are looking for help, check out the first model of long-term care. While others may work, it is useless to the first attempt something with little chance of success, as she has taken to cycles of recovery and relapse can be used for years. The correct treatment first, however, could change your life completely, and the addictin a few months.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gay Addiction

substance abuse or dependence on alcohol problems Gay?

Drug addiction is a disease of primary progressive and fatal if untreated, can lead to premature death and despair ascended life. Addiction has also been described as a procedure or a pathological relationship with a person, substance, behavior.

The idea that drug addicts or alcoholics are weak-willed or morally corrupt has always been refused. L 'Attitude prevents people from avoiding or dependence on substance abuse and the promotion of shame, anger and anxiety about their disease.

"It 'a shame for addicts and their addiction to drugs is counter-productive. It creates barriers to recreation and much more difficult the recovery process began. Once in the grip of addiction, the addict or alcohol often control his thoughts and actions. They are allfocused on how to feed the "best" of his addiction to alcohol or drugs.

Signs and symptoms - If you drink or drugs, it takes more or less for six or drunk before? (The increase or decrease the tolerance is a sign of dependency.) - Did you ever drink or even more than you thought? (This shows the loss of control over their drinking.) - Make sure you have a supply of medication or whenAlcohol in the region? Supply management is a characteristic of addiction or alcoholism -.) Do you have blackouts - forget what you did or something, or "lose time" after drinking or Help? (Loss of consciousness is indicative of advanced alcoholism, drug addiction or alcoholism.) - From alcohol or drugs in the morning to reduce anxiety or cope with a hangover? (This indicates an increase in drug addictionor alcohol dependence) - Have you ever been nervous for a drink or drugs to relieve his constant? (This is self-medication, as well as his history of drug or alcohol) - Did you ever drink alcohol when prescription drugs when he said it was dangerous to do so? - Have you ever gone to work or school drunk or drugged? - - Do you find yourself with alcohol or drugs to sleep or to reduce theFear? - In case of prescription drugs, you need more than prescribed? ("If one is good - two is better) - You have relatives, friends or relatives ever a comment or concern about its use?

Did you ever drink or alone? - You do or say things you later regret when drinking or using? (Drunk Driving discrimination and help to give an indication of the gradual loss of control and next steps of the addiction to drugs or alcohol addiction.) - Have you ever had a DUIthe influence of alcohol or drugs had led or alcohol-related accidents or injuries? - You cut a time or do not drink, because he believed that the problems of your life? (Difficulty of life around the use of a problem - many alcoholics and addicts temporarily modify its method of use in an effort to demonstrate that they have control over their use -. Did you change one substance to another, or change in beverages attempt to take control again? (change Scotchbeer, drugs, beer? - Do you have employees, because the drug of choice is legal or regulatory? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be a good idea to drink with friends or family, to examine all of its habits or taking drugs. If you decide on an issue or problem, seek help from a gay-friendly rehabilitation, alcohol rehab or gay friendly gay detox your choice.

If you need help finding adetoxification, rehabilitation of alcohol, the connection is gay friendly, please call 1-800-511-9225, recovery, and hopefully find one.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The most common causes behind addiction

Everyone is struggling with drug addiction has its own reason. There is no single approach to this disease. However, the most common reasons are behind the majority of addiction.

Family history of drug addiction. It can also alcoholism. In these cases, there are two genetic elements and mental / emotional sensitivity of the individual to alcoholism.

Some people use drugs to relieve pain, and thisThe causes of addiction (or addiction).

A common reason of dependence is the inability to cope with stress. Examples include emotional stress, pressure, emotional stress, anxiety, depression, stress, environmental and other reasons.

Similarly, some people are addicted because of underlying mental disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder or attention deficit disorder.

Curiosity killed the cat. "Children who are not goodeducation on drug use can become curious when they face the possibility. leads to drug abuse, addiction leads to drugs.

Although the reason for drug abuse vary from person to person, substance abuse almost always ends the same way. To recover from drug addiction must be given their personal reason.

If you found this habit to quit, then you should notEfforts of all the reasons that prevent you from changing this habit. There are many who can make this a habit in the bay. Enjoy a feeling of comfort and probably close soon, if not the exercise, you can always choose a drug rehabilitation center for better treatment.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The definition of addiction

Although drug addiction is a disease complex disease mapping of this definition is actually quite simple. Addiction is, in its simplest form, defined as the consequences of compulsive drug use despite persistent social or health effects.

The definition of addiction must include the fact that a state of dependence on a specific drug. Generally regarded as the physical dependencebut in reality it is a psychological and emotional dependence. Some say that addiction is the compulsive use of drugs and medical conditions or substance.

Drug addiction is a behavior disorder as the initial medication is usually in response to a favorable user behavior or situation seems out of control. You look at the election, but a failure to use a drug because the body dependsthat the drugs remain in the system.

A distinction must be made between substance abuse and drug use. And 'that people can become addicted to drugs, but generally, the use of prescription drugs. People who take drugs, do not treat physical illnesses, such as pain control or adverse effects of a physical condition. These drugs improve the quality of life for those who suffer, but not necessarilyaddict.

To be addicted to a drug - or alcohol - use drugs regularly and the experience of unpleasant symptoms when you stop using the drug problem, such as nausea or insomnia. Drug abuse or addiction occurs when someone uses a drug, despite the evil it does to your system.

There is a difference between abuse and dependence. Drug abuse occurs whena person uses excessive amounts of drugs at one time or frequently. addiction exists when a person can not stop the drugs and drug withdrawal seems impossible.

Of course, the definition of addiction is not complete without the notes to both physical and psychological dependence. Physical dependence occurs when the drug is commonly used, and the body has become accustomedits effects. Psychological dependence occurs when the drug is generally used and the mind has become accustomed to the production of drugs, the effects.

If the addiction affects a person's life, the definition of addiction is a bit 'less important than the reasons for which people use. However, it can be useful if you receive a definition is included so that a better understanding of addiction may occur.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The goal of treatment centers for drug addiction several

The main objective of the center addiction treatment programs, followed by the treatment of addiction is an addiction to return to a stable state, without need for medication. The method of treatment available to all with a new motivation and good humor in the face.

There are several types of treatment programs for drug addiction in the country the practice of drug therapy at all different. Most of these centers have their own WebsiteInternet makes it easier to find and learn more about the programs they offer. People who are addicted to drugs and do not want to start processing a new life, these rehabilitation centers to contact.

Most of the addicts and their families come to heal the hope of drug treatment in their hearts that person become addicted. As with other diseases, the care of their patients' hope this is the main goal of treatmentCenters. Before a person arrives at a rehabilitation center, usually try, their determination and their addiction problem themselves. Most attempts fail, however. Addiction is a serious illness, both physical and psychological aspects and the best way, all applications to seek help through professional. Therefore, a person with an addiction problem should not be delayed, but it brings its problems, a suitable drugtreatment facility as soon as possible.

Research shows that if a person uses drugs over a long period of time, the brain chemistry is altered by the model is changing. Changing patterns in the brain change in the behavior of the person to drive the thirst bridges. Changes will remain in the brains of addicts, even after leaving the drugs and begin to live a life of its own. These changes must be reversed by appropriate medication and therapyTo satisfy the dependency for the individual and complete recovery of all drugs.

centers, treatment programs for drug addicts to lead a fruitful and pleasant after the recovery. The main goals of treatment are mentioned here:

• To help the person overcome the addiction to addiction in particular. Treatment focuses on eliminating compulsive behaviors and physiological dependence,have been developed in the case. The program's main objective is to help addicts heal-to-face physical and mental trauma.

• The treatment of the two diagnostic centers, treatment is also all programs can offer. In the case of a person is addicted to drugs and alcohol, the disease if treatment is needed for this.

drug treatment centers and detox programs • implement to prevent relapse to ensurethe patient does not suffer from dependence to relapse after a successful recovery. Addicts with a long history of drug abuse are more likely to relapse after recovery. Patients should be treated for drug type, severity and history. A method of treatment is to find an appropriate and effective rehabilitation center for full details of the patients is of paramount importance. relapse prevention is an important drugThe treatment in rehabilitation centers.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tips to prevent drug abuse among adolescents

Drug addiction is a serious problem faced by all. Why not take the necessary precautions to protect young minds from disaster by a series of banned substances? The following tips can help children to maintain control of their parents and help them maintain their business in a drug-free:

Let your friends with kids in any situation:
One of the best ways to help your child understand the abuse, serious consequences of drug use is a shower her love and careyour child. Talk to your children and treat them like friends and understand the consequences of drugs.

You know your child's friends and family:
E 'responsibilities of each of the parents of your children's friends and family to let them know. It will help you learn more about their behavior.

Spend time with your child:
Often parents do not pay much attention to children because of their commitments. Try to get in touch with his son, despite hisYou are away from home. The news and notes, or make and receive updates about what they do.

Give them the knowledge on drugs:
Provide accurate information about drugs is the best way to educate the public. Encourage children to read books and documentaries, talk shows you see and hear about drugs on the body.

Encourage your children to participate in extracurricular activities:
Enjoy a hobby or activity after school or Classes is a good way to develop the internal nature of his son. Try developing the whole child.

Keep a song in time their children:
Ask your child if he or she leaves the house. Be careful when your child goes and with whom.

Discourage someone a drink in the house:
Be a role model for your child, to discourage drinking and other similar activities within the home.

Remember, drugs> Drug addiction is a serious problem that requires attention and care. Bond with the child and give him a happy childhood.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What type of detox and alcohol are available?

If you're trying to detox and alcohol, so maybe the first thing to do is just what you expect to go through the door. Think of it as a rehabilitation clinic in Hollywood, with single rooms, good food and friendly staff pamper you and give you whatever you ask for? If so, you might want to rethink expectations, as most of the drug and alcohol rehabilitation center is not so.

InTV shows that people are being treated as if in a kind of holiday, but for you, the holiday will be treated at all. This is not how it works in real life - not always on!

Drug rehab centers and alcohol are available in a variety of ways, and most normal people do not end up in treatment centers for the final size of the stars. you must wait for a room with another person to perform the operations must be planned to cook, clean and share all the steps at home. They arecertainly is not going to wait on his hands and feet.

Go to which the methods of treatment, not to choose among others. Here are some options:

rehabilitation centers for drug and alcohol Biophysics - The Center uses a model of free drug, the day is over 30 years. Treatments that need further withdrawal, but also emphasizes the elimination of drug residues in the body. The good news is that the biophysical is said three times more effective thanother programs.

diagnosis of alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers, dual - This approach relies heavily on drugs. In short, if you opt for the dual diagnosis program, which provides chemical dependency should be treated as a problem - the problem chemicals and chemical treatment much more!

Many drug rehab centers and alcohol are in accordance with the teachings of Alcoholics Anonymous and the model of the Twelve Step program. This program has worked forMillions of people around the world for nearly a century, but not infallible. Not really, more people are being treated as a success. One can not avoid this, go to treatment, but. If you really want to rehabilitate all, nothing can stop completely get rid of addiction.

You see, when people are not the twelve-step program, generally not because the program is inadequate, because it is not useful asIt is supposed to be. No, the twelve-step model is not to blame. Rather, people simply are not involved in the program as good as it should. So, no matter what kind of treatment you want or think they work for you if you do not drive like it's the only way to save his life, and the chances of success. But focusing on his sobriety, which will give the best possible chance, no matter what type of drugand rehabilitation center for alcohol at the end of

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Addiction and Recovery Guide

Who does drugs and alcohol involved?

Alcoholism and drug abuse are not uncommon in today's society. Some estimates have shown that over twenty percent of the population of the United States battles problem with any type of addiction to drugs, alcohol or drug ISM

Drug addiction and alcoholism, bring only destruction, sadness and pain, which affects not only the addict but also The people in your life. Hurt and friends of the family, substance abuse pervades the business environment. Employees with drug problems or alcohol dependence affecting business and create a dangerous work environment and aggravating.

Many myths about the origins of drug addiction and alcoholism continue to circulate false. Some seek to identify the social groups most affected. Others seek to identify drugs> Drug addiction and alcoholism as a disease or a moral failing. These false shame perpetuate unnecessary confusion and fear. Drug addiction or alcoholism is not the company is in a specific component. It affects all kind of socio-economic, ethnic e. There is no reason to label the drug with a false stereotype, and there is no reason to fear. At some point, all the struggles with life's obstacles and to assist the needs of others. DrogaDrug addicts and alcoholics are no different than anyone else. We do not choose a drug addiction or alcoholism, but alcoholism and drug addiction, stealing from him / her.

How can drug addiction and alcoholism are identified?

Drug abuse and dependence warning signs of alcohol with them. Some of them are listed below:

* Red eyes or dilated pupils

* Slurred speech

* Cold orsweaty palms

* Difficulty concentrating

* Behavior Moody, impatient, dangerous and / or violent

* Once the extreme power (eg, talking incessantly) and / or fatigue

* Paranoia

* Sudden or down does not take into account the appearance and personal hygiene

* Sudden change in friends

* Dishonesty

* Depression

More than half of working with drug addicts, and two out of five have a site of illegal drugs at work. Not surprisingly, almost half ofdrug incident in many forms of alcohol. involved drugs or drug abuse and alcohol abuse in the workplace requires:

* Reduce the quality and / or speed.

* Constant absences and / or slow (especially just before a weekend or a holiday, and after payday): Researchers have discovered that drugs cause more than sixty percent of absenteeism.

* Often leave work early

* Long-term residence

* Talk moreon the phone

* Supplies society's economic and / or benefits

How to help an addict or alcoholic?

Drug addiction and alcoholism are treatable. The question is why so many addicts, the same behavior back? Poses a serious problem in itself, seldom develop a dependency on their own. Drug addiction and substance abuse are most often due to poor management of a deliberate unconscious issues. The problems stemming from unresolved childhood trauma and personal affairs. Dependency, denial will only increase the initial refusal. Drug addicts need patience extended compassion and sensitivity to treat and cure. For this reason, drug addicts need constant encouragement to continue the drug treatment and rehabilitation options for drug addiction.

Know the symptoms of drug addiction and alcohol dependency

Learn how to identify > Drug addiction and alcoholism because of the danger signs. Become familiar with strategies to deal with someone with a candidate drug or alcohol dependence.

Talk to the person

This can be difficult. The fears, many people mistakenly possible for the addict. However, it is better to talk in person with a fake and nothing to say and then allow a dependency on drugs or alcohol> Addiction to follow. Whenever the issue of a central theme in a threatening way.

Provide advice and suggestions

Although the exhibition is an essential concern, it is important not to be too strong. A situation of drug abuse is a sensitive issue. Although drug abuse may be evident, all other questions, which permitted herein, is not there. Sobriety can not be achieved when the addict is responsible for their own situation and decidechange their lifestyle.

The support and compassion

Although experts can gently ask for the drug addiction, drug addicts can still refuse to help. Drug abuse and feelings of life's problems and begin to cause mass current impotence. You do not feel able to stop their addiction to drugs or alcohol dependence, and could not trust others, even those who want to help. However, the persistenceThe patience and compassion, one can work, sincerity, and, finally, drug users can have the confidence and courage to alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation.

Addiction Recovery in rehab for alcohol and drug rehab

People with alcohol / drugs have both the benefits of individualized treatment and rehabilitation for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Individualized treatment of addictionPreparation for sustainable sobriety. Symptoms may be the most common causes are not fully shared. As a person automatically mean that life is a unique experience. People require a different treatment of drug treatment and time in an alcohol detoxification or rehabilitation in order to stabilize. Addiction and Alcoholism attacks from all angles and gradually weakens the people in remote areas. Treatment programs for substance abuse, drugsAlcohol rehabilitation and reintegration course combines body, mind and soul of a whole person permanent.

A detox program or alcohol rehab should offer a variety of drug treatment established. Register with chemical dependency counsel different art methods of psychotherapy and hypnosis was afraid to allow people and memories that often leads to self-medication for the treatment of abuse drugs. family councils to repair relationsand the contribution caused by drug addiction. A life full of meaning and allow farmers to accept his true identity and advance the right direction.

Rejuvenation of all elements of human life, the complete rehabilitation of alcohol and drug treatment offers additional treatments, including:

- Physical Training - Massage Body Work - Acupuncture - Nutritional advice of medical experts - Yoga music / art therapy / - Image Processing - quiet and relaxing

complete drugrehabilitation or alcohol rehabilitation to develop other special treatment for specific customer requirements. A team working closely together to create individualized drug treatment possible, the better. More importantly, everything is focused directly on the healing of the first problems, alcohol or drug addiction causes.

professional help is needed to eradicate drug and alcohol professionals play a crucial role in the detection and recoverySubstance abuse and dependence 100-800. - If alcohol rehabilitation quality and effective treatment for drug addiction or go up or phone 511-9225 National Helpline addiction treatment, and rehabilitation will help you find a rehab or alcohol in your area.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The highest dependency ratio in the United Kingdom

Drug addiction has become a widespread problem in many parts of the world. More and more often based on different types of drugs. Especially adolescents and young adults are the fastest-growing addiction.

Similarly, drug abuse has become a major problem in the United Kingdom as well. Which has increased since 1980 in large part, and in 1984 the British Medical Association conference itselfPest said publicly that the drug was not only an epidemic, but a.

dependency rates vary by region and type of medication. Most statistics show that deaths in Scotland and Brighton are the two regions in the United Kingdom, which, with the highest drug use and drug trafficking. The growth rates are among the highest of the drug in these areas.

There was a recent study published by the National InstituteProgram of drug abuse deaths, the United Kingdom showed that the rate of growth in Scotland has led to an overall increase in drug deaths. "On the other hand, the number of drug-related deaths in England and Wales reduced. Brighton is a sector in Britain, the population has the highest number of drug-related deaths, 100,000 to 20.7. In the second row and Hove Dumbarton, while Manchester has the third highest number of deathsDeath.

Research shows that the drug caused the deaths, the highest number of heroin. It produces about seventy-four percent of all deaths in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, another important cause of mortality morphine. Surprisingly, alcohol is a major cause of death, even if the price of alcohol in the place.

all countries of the European Union, the United Kingdom was crushed under the top when it comes to addiction. The main reasonThis is because the UK was a breach of the first union of European countries to do drugs. He has a long history in this area. It is also claimed that the British have a lack of moderation on drugs. Most people tend to go beyond the borders of the United Kingdom, even if you use recreational drugs. Drug trafficking has also been very common, and no drug is more difficult to get hold of any.

You can now recognize that drugsbe much more acceptable in the United Kingdom as they were, like never before. The young generation is very open about the use of drugs and medicines, social or recreational, has become a standard. Cannabis is the most common drug in the United Kingdom, and the age of people with this drug. The regulators are all cannabis use is similar to an epidemic is spreading very quickly.

The drug situation in Switzerland was very strong in recent years.There is a great need for this issue to be addressed and reduced to a minimum so that the prices of medicines can be adequately controlled drugs.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Psychology of Addiction

Of course, there's a reason why people use drugs. The psychological aspect of addiction is very powerful. The human mind is a wonderful thing, and thoughts that we all become leaders of our lives.

Because we are complex creatures, capable of thinking and reasoning, which can often rule the mind, since only a small part of what we are. This is totally false, and even psychiatric consequences of drug use (or more correctlyThe abuse of drugs) are always present and can cause dependence in the life of a major incident.

While we are talking about? Psychological aspects of mind, and how to control our lives, even for experts in the field for many years. For example, if you're the son of a fanatic, that drugs, alcohol, or what his thoughts are too fast to justify the use of these substances as "OK". Let's face it, they love their parents, andthey are doing is right, then it was and can not be bad for you. You are in fact self-brainwashing.

Of course, as we know from scientific research showed that the drugs affect the brain. This is a brain disorder. Attackers brain be so used to these chemicals, which sooner or later, depending on the substance, which is "talk" of these chemicals have to work in them and what the brain is the bodydifferent (withdrawal) symptoms of these chemicals.

What can we do to try to overcome his drug addiction, the psychological aspect? First aid is a proven method. In an interview with a consultant to drug abuse or other trained health professionals are beginning to find agood way to overcome their addiction.

Wherever you are, there are many excellent programs available to substance abuse problems. The best ones are treatedmind and body. Well, as we know, the first time they try to reduce their dependence on drugs, your mind will give the body a series of withdrawal symptoms, to "fix" to get yours. But professional help can maintain the success the last minute of life of the drug in your body and mind.

No need to go to a rehabilitation center. However, it is shown that this method is very effective. ThisThe structures can be expensive, and psychologists / psychiatrists. But drug users run throughout the game more when they work, it would cost, period, spending for a much more common, such as health and benefits for the Pocket PC can be easily calculated. Although it is impossible to obtain a price for their future welfare.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Drug treatment in general of many steps to help a drug addict who manages to withdraw aid. Treatment should be to help groups, followed by consulting and support for self-employment assistance for drug resistance to all to return to profitability in drug addiction.

The first step in addiction treatment is the treatment of abstinence. Withdrawal of treatment is a step

care plan to step detoxaddicts to stop taking the drug addiction as quickly and safely as possible. Detoxification is a gradual process, that concerns about the effects of a low dose or the drug temporarily replaced by the hand of other substances, are less severe.

The second phase begins after successful detoxification. The objective of the second phase is to keep the ex-addicts to maintain sobriety and drug resistance. The second phase includes therapies such asCounseling, drug therapy and group support sessions of the car.

Counseling - individual or with the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist, addiction counselors can help ex-addicts to resist the temptation of a return "to develop behavioral dependence on drugs. Family therapy can help cravings ex-addicts to cope with its streets , and suggest strategies to avoid drugs and prevent relapse, and offer suggestions on how to reach an agreement withRelapse, if it occurs.

Advice may include reviewing the work of the former drug addict, legal problems and relationships with family and friends. Consult family members can help develop communication skills and better support.

Treatment programs - including programs of treatment in general education and therapy sessions focused on relapse prevention and sobriety is established. This can be done in individual or family groupMeetings.

The self-help groups - support groups to call the person in charge to take responsibility to live your life, and to promote self-acceptance and self-esteem. Although most experts in the field of view, drug addiction as a medical problem, thanks to its effects on the brain and body, changes in behavior as a behavior problem can be solved with the development of self knowledge, and copeTechniques. There are support groups that cover both points of view and others who are inspired by standards of conduct. Each type of program promotes understanding of the individual, the reasons for addiction, not only to abstain from drugs, but the underlying causes of their emotional needs

The road to recovery is not easy and sometimes can be overwhelming. On the medical side of drug use affects their view of brain chemistry. Once the drugs have been cleansed ofSystem, it takes time for the body to adjust. , The drugs were hidden reappear, feelings, and if they do, they face once, for ignoring the drug that helped them. relapse prevention is to identify the trigger for the drug, learn coping strategies and better choices to meet the challenges of life.

Increase the chances of staying clean, if the ex-drug addict is a group of social support, such as narcoticsAnonymous, have a sponsor, and participate in an intensive outpatient treatment program or individual. If you choose not to help a treatment support group, the more likely to return to their old habits and relapse more likely. One important thing to think about during the treatment, such as former addicts relapse is responsible. In case of relapse, it is useful to see how a normal process, but as a personal failure.

Other changessocial routine will probably be necessary too. There are people, places and things that represent a slippery slope for former drug addicts, and it is in your best interest to stay away from them. All around people who can support their recovery, which makes things easier.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Acceptance and Addiction Recovery

-Social, anti nature of addiction leads to a "lifestyle." The addict is out of step with the social structure, must live in it. Addicts begin to associate only with other addicts or drug dealers and drug use after subculture. Paranoia caused by different things, and many different levels, which makes the drug less and less comfortable at all, is not the same as they are, in part,because they are criminals and drug addicts. During a period of time, life requires a special justification and rationalization of the dependence of production with the results presented. Gradually, these defense mechanisms to become anti-social philosophy of the "distorted thinking." Since the drug more and more dysfunctional, which inevitably end up outside the laws of society, to assume a profile that is easily recognizable and, therefore, receivearrested. Usually below the factor of crime, addiction progresses forward and distorted thinking. A total of principles, morals and beliefs are amended approved. Unfortunately, this tends to be progressive to the point, a change in long-term behavior in general.

Drug addiction is under way as "chemo brain" changes. Brain chemistry changes the behavior changes. The changes in the operation as changing the whole personality. Most of the changesin brain chemistry has a significant impact, not easy to overcome, or vice versa. Chemical changes are the "neurotransmitters" that are at the heart of the relationship between the brain and the rest of the central nervous system. "In particular, reduced levels of dopamine change of personality. Dopamine affects appetite, sleep, emotions, and also the 'internal clock." Investigating the' high craving for the drug of choice is constant.

Unfortunately, this desireless easy to satisfy. Since changes in the brain, drugs that are less capable, the same effects that changes in the brain before it is ongoing. The addict has, literally, "another brain." The addict is "back" the feeling that the medications are derived from the use of the problem was at first that the drug makes sense that the ratio of drug addicts caught fire. Finally, the addict loses the "up" and is now trying to "good" or feel"Normal". Without a certain level of drugs in his system, addicts to start a widespread feeling "sick". for the drug gradually increase the amount of time the drug was used with tolerance. Over time, it takes more and more drugs no longer meet users' needs and desires. As the most dysfunctional drug addict and the amount of drug demand increases, however, the ability to achieveis more difficult and requires methods that are illegal on most days. serious violations of conduct is supposed to get the drug, the more money needed for the growing number of des-The "cycle of dependency" and "life." You need the drug to the drug, continued to raise funds. This time is followed by a supply of drugs of the drug, and the extension. decreases and increases the satisfaction of need. Inspire pharmaceuticalsmore crimes and led to more "time" ... Life is the drug of choice! Detoxification usually only after the crimes, arrested and forcibly returned to the Internet environment, where the drug is. Detoxification is usually the easy part for an addict. Chemical changes in the brain that have been parallel changes in behavior and personality are not easily reversible. The drug is excretedScene, but the thought has been distorted "integrated" into the brains of addicts in the form of anti-social beliefs. Detention dysfunction supplements that jails and prisons is also a belief system in place anti-social activity on their part, developed by criminals of all kinds. these patients, employees must believe that his ability is very poor succumb easily to the belief system in place that will take place too easily. Since term limits increases in prisonserious crime, the length of time out of the arrest, and criminal behavior is so strong and therefore a problem such as addiction. Together, they are very difficult to change a state of being. Very little, if appropriate, the ability to make the necessary changes alone, because if they are really addictive.

Some form of structure and rehabilitation "help" if the drug should never be able to function in society.strict rules and routines are necessary. Accepting the need for help is important. It 'important because the nature of addiction that is produced "waste" of the "problem. Leaving it in the distorted thinking almost impossible because the brain is the most affected by the person who has an "addiction" has become! 12-step programs and a limited number of programs of Christian inspiration, are the only source of help that is not expensive in terms of financial performanceMost of the addicts and their families. The assumption is the key "key" in the recovery from this terrible disease. Often several episodes of formal treatment is the only solution or answer. Yes, the consequences, because "recidivism tends to be inevitable because of the complexity of the problem. Physiology, psychology and pharmacology, all factors, including the treatment of this chronic, progressive and fatal. The requirement of 12 program stepshas "accepted" products "miracles", but we must trust in miracles for our country to solve the biggest problem? Treatment in a controlled environment allows the addict to find more easily identify and recognize the need to "accept" that has to change its main form of thought and behavior. To address this reality is by peers, which increases to have a common problem. This "recognition" should be complete and must be constantly reinforced by a long period of time. Its rangeeasier to do when people have to do well in their environment. It should not become dependent during the night and can not be restored overnight. Before a drug is well led, years were generally conducted over a period of many, if not decades. It 'hard for a man most of his life was thrown. L ', guilt, shame and fear that sobriety and recovery of the thought processes that are common complications for the addict. These feelingsshould be treated as he is often seen as the main cause of relapse in use. Accepting defeat is also a hindrance, because nobody likes to lose. Therefore, it is essential to overcome the defeat and focus on achieving to become "Sober." "Sobriety" is a term often used in AA and NA, in terms of abstinence from alcohol and other drugs. Anonymous meetings regularly held that "alcohol is a drug. Longer-term drugAlcoholics hinder the older generation over demand. Current knowledge supports education and NA acknowledges that all substances lunatic. The acceptance of this idea is crucial, because most of the drugs start with alcohol relapse, often deceive themselves to believe alcohol is a drug, will be able to control this kind.

Approval, acceptance, acceptance is running, simply because philosophy of healing as a river. BeforeYou can accept that to do so. Before you can accept. Open your eyes! Open your eyes! Accept the fact that the therapist or consultant knows what they are talking about. Accept the fact that he is ill. Accept that you are working more. Accept that things will only improve with time, as well as being clean and sober. Accept the fact that it is wrong, and it is true. Accept help! Accepting the idea that Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous is an alcoholic and remains an integral part oflong-term maintenance of sobriety! One undeniable fact is that to accept the fact that not only the body to use the drug again, but his mind might need more time to recover. Accept that people do not immediately accept their intention, the ability or desire to change.

Last AA Big Book, Third Edition, page 449:. "And you accept the answer to all my problems today, if I am concerned because I have a person, place, thing orSituation - a fact in my life - unacceptable to me, and I can not find peace until the person, place, thing or situation as it is to accept at this time. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober when I expressed to accept life completely on life, I can be happy. They have so much to focus the world in terms of change that needs to be changedI and my attitude. "The program of 12 steps and the process of recovery is not only a journey to learn to stop drinking or using. These concepts are a" trip "on a simple plan for learning to live in conditions of life. Final discussion!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dependence on hospitalization and intensive outpatient treatment in Virginia

residential substance abuse treatment and intensive outpatient treatment centers in providing quality programs in Virginia for addiction to drugs and alcohol and drugs. There is an increase in the number of rehabilitation centers and residential treatment centers outpatient drug in the State of Virginia . Both types of drug treatment are referred to the disease and often use the same kind of therapeutic methods in the treatment program. treatment centers should be located in Virginiadepending on the stage of substance abuse and physical health of a patient. According to data collected by TEDS, a total of 57 435 admissions to rehabilitation programs for drug treatment programs for alcohol or substance abuse in Virginia in Virginia in 2004. 21.3% of these recordings are the treatment of alcohol dependence, and only 14.6% alcohol with a drug derived. Represented in the treatment admissions for marijuana drug to 16.5 and 14, 6%treatment admissions for cocaine in drug rehabilitation centers in Virginia.

Virginia intensive outpatient drug treatment is more convenient for customers, at the beginning of it. The client can be in denial, but agreed to go Center, an outpatient program, rather than the more structured drug rehabilitation. Virginia may apply to participate in the first intensive outpatient treatment for DUI offenders. Virginia treatment facilities to monitor customers through abstinence RandomDates of urine test. This is often a requirement for public bodies or employers and clients on the program. participate in intensive outpatient work and live at home and have all the temptations that face before joining the program. The success of patients is often more difficult than the residential addiction treatment in Virginia.

drugs Virginia real estate counseling centers are able to admit patients becauseextended drug / alcohol use and addiction are medical treatment. Some addicts just need a more structured environment like a hospital and outpatient detoxification centers in Virginia, provides the structure. Could someone searches can be based outpatient addiction. No matter what kind of treatment is the State of Virginia is able to meet the need for it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

More information about abuse and drug addiction

There are many drugs and therapies for these different drugs vary. Treatment varies depending on the patient.

Significant substance abuse problems related individual can vary. drug manufacturers from all walks of life become addicted. Here you will find many suffer mental health professional or social, to cure his addiction is much more complex.

There are a number ofscientific approaches to drug treatment is available. addiction treatment can include behavioral therapy (such as counseling, cognitive therapy or psychotherapy), medications, or a combination.

behavioral therapies offer strategies to cope with their desire for drugs, directly to avoid drugs and prevent relapse, and in front of a relapse if it occurs. If a person is linked to crime or drug behavior makeshave a higher risk of AIDS or other infectious diseases, behavioral therapies to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Drug treatment can include behavioral therapy, medication or a combination of both.

Drugs for treatment such as methadone, LAAM and naltrexone, are addicted to opiates for her. The best treatment programs provide a combination of therapies and other services to meet everyIndividual.

Drugs such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers or neuroleptics, may be crucial to the success of treatment when patients with concomitant mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder or psychosis.

This treatment may take a variety of contexts, in different ways and for different time periods. As drug addiction is usually a small sample of a chronic disease often characterized by a relapse or even rare,the short-distance or fairly often. For many, treatment is a long term process that involves many interventions and attempts at self-control.

Many people wonder why drug addicts can not leave their

Almost all those who want to start or stop the drug has examined their addiction, and many people try to quit without treatment. However, most of these attempts have ultimately failed. Much research has long shown that more than one drugPeriod led to significant changes in brain function long after the departure of individuals.

These changes caused by drug abuse continued for long periods in brain function have many behavioral consequences and unity, regardless of the adverse effects of drugs.

drug use in the long term leads to significant changes in brain function, which consists of long, after the person stops using drugs.

Addiction has aimportant biological component of individual difficulties in achieving and maintaining abstinence without treatment. Stress from work or family problems, the environment (such as roads, objects, and even the smells associated with drug use), social (eg, the signs of the meeting taken htose drugs) or may interact with biological factors continue to hinder the achievement of moderation and more likely to relapse. Most scientific studies show thatstaff members can actively participate in treatment and can lead to success.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The main statistical dependence

Addiction is always a big problem in America. Prescription drugs are prescribed for a variety of reasons, and often increases the likelihood that they may be victims of violence. There are several disturbing statistics dependency value.

A sad statistic dependence reported by the UP Department of Health and Human Services, is that people60 and over age group most likely to become addicted to prescription drugs. Moreover, the abuse since 2000, over 17% of people over 60 years, prescription drugs makes many of them as spam.

Another abuse of prescription drugs is a disturbing statistics prescription drug that is spreading faster among 12-25 from the middle of 1980, drug abuse has increased fivefold. One reason is that many students think that the prescriptionDrugs are a safe alternative to illegal drugs. Many of these people do not realize that drugs are addictive and can cause serious health problems if used improperly. It 'was reported that women are more dependent on drug abuse and the requirement that men in this age group.

While most people who take the abuse of prescription opioids like OxyContin and Vicodin, the number of young, nervous system (CNS) depressants has increased 50% drug abuse Only a year between 1999 and 2000.

The sale of illegal drugs has increased dramatically in recent years. The sharp increase in the availability of drugs increases the number of addicts, because more people have access to medicines. modern computer technology, it is very difficult for authorities to track down operators of websites that sell drugs without a prescription.

These prescription drugs> Statistics of addiction are enormous, but people are more aware of the problems, addiction to prescription drugs is through the best position to prevent abuses or to help if you have a problem.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Gay sex addiction and detox

Gay sex addiction and its symptoms

gay sex addiction or sex addiction can be described as negative consequences of a gradual and systematic practice of sexual behavior acted despite the constant. Some behaviors that may reflect the behavior of sex addiction or compulsive sexual

Participation in the club or in libraries
Sexual aversion
Most Popular
Cyber sex
Unprotected sex

Consequences of sex addiction gay

The symptoms, drug addiction and alcoholism may be lost relatives in the sexual distance, the job can lead to emotional. The result can mean the end of a friendship or a relationship with a partner. From the standpoint of emotional stress and anxiety are certainly a fact that the person suffers from an addiction to gay sex is always the fear thatdiscovered. For those not "out" in terms of sexuality, the fear is twofold. In addition to stress, shame and guilt are directly behind the person always find the values of commitment and belief was true. Physically addictive diseases can spread quickly that sex tends to be free to practice safe sex. thinking often leads to impulsive decisions that in the spread of HIV, herpes, genital warts and the other endSexually transmitted diseases.

description of the effects associated with gay sex addiction, many people tend to help the neglected diseases, legal and financial aspects of spiritual activities for drugs and sex against the law and the obscene phone calls, prostitution, incest, rape , exhibitionism, or sexual harassment. sex addiction is worse than has been the result of loss of employment, professional license, sex addiction y suffer financially to take thislarge sums of money on prostitutes, cybersex, phone sex partners and asked questions'. legal fees, not only for people who divorce or arrest, has lost a lot of sex addiction. It can be a very expensive business. The spiritual consequences of sex addiction are usually alone in the areas of self-pity, shame, guilt y.

Sex Addiction addiction, drugs and drug rehabilitation

It is not unusual for gays and lesbiansSuffering from sex addiction to alcohol, drugs, or shoot as a way to deal with the feelings of life and lifestyle that accompanies it. Alcohol and drug addiction is not rare for someone to drug addiction, the experience of sex. When a detoxification or addiction is extremely important for recreation, rehabilitation or drug addiction gay, the selected component has a sex addiction. Staff sex addiction should be formed to address and resolve this in a detoxification that is not sexual addiction. Most detox programs that allow drug treatment is often forgotten in the identification and treatment of sex addiction. Be careful when choosing a sex addiction and rehabilitation program for drug treatment.

If you are looking for a sex addiction gay lose situation> Can I Addiction 1-800-511-9225 or call toll is an internal transfer of drug rehabilitation.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The main side effects of heroin addiction

Heroin is one of the most addictive and illegal drugs with several significant side effects. Heroin usually attacks the brain and stops blood flow to the brain. For this reason, the control functions of the brain and the body lost to the result of serious effects on the body.

There are several treatments for addiction to drugs targeted to the results of heroin addiction to heroin. It can cause various problems such as HIV and other diseases, the other or you can produce, the sharing of syringesInjection of other people.

The short-term effects of heroin addiction

There are several short-term effects of heroin addiction are some

Or Rush
Disappointed or breathing
problem or mental functioning
or nausea and vomiting
An abortion or unplanned

Abusers often complain of pain in the brain as a "race" known. Heroin is bad for your skin, mouth, and especially the brain. Heroin is processed into morphine andBrain function. mental function is supported by the action of heroin. Heroin, heroin addicts at some point it feels hard to breathe.

The long-term effects of heroin addiction

There are many long-term effects of heroin. The main effect is addiction. When a person uses regularly this medication can be a habit of this drug. The heroine is the degree of tolerance and physical dependence. Heroin withdrawal is one of the most important stepsrecover, but it is a busy time and concern for those addicted to heroin and in most cases led to increased use of heroin. And the girls can kill the child of a pregnant heroin addict. Other long-term effects

or bacterial infections
or infection of the lining and heart valves
or other harmful problems such as hepatitis B and C.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Drug addiction and drug abuse - Myths and Realities

Addiction is a bad habit, the result of moral weakness and over indulgence.

Addiction is a chronic life threatening disease such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes in adults.

Genetics and drug abuse - Drug addiction has its roots in social circumstances and general feeling of personal behavior.

Some drugs are addictive, fastbiochemical and structural changes in the brain. Others can be used for longer periods before starting the inevitable cravings and compulsive use of reason.

If an addict has enough willpower, or may stop abusing alcohol and drugs.

Few people on alcohol and other drugs can not simply be used, regardless of the strength of your inner will of dependence. Most of the need to reduce one or more cycles of structured treatment for substance abuse orTo end its addiction to alcohol and other drugs.

Many people relapse, so treatment obviously does not work.

Like any other medical treatment, drug treatment can not guarantee the health of all life. Relapse, often a part of the recovery process and you can always try, even if the person fails to perfect abstinence, addiction treatment can reduce the number of relapses and duration to minimize problemssuch as crime and poor overall health, improve people's ability to function in daily life and strengthen the individual to face the temptation that is better or greed. These improvements reduce the social and economic costs of addiction.

We are accustomed to limit what we can do to sell the drug.

The more we learn about addiction, the effectiveness of drugs, such as salvage treatment programs. Matching services to most customers who need it, while supporting the continued participation and focusing on the treatment is essential. Today, treatment providers are more likely than ever.

Recommendations for the pharmacological treatment

Substance abuse contributes significantly to the law of the country's health care. Studies show that access and adequate drug treatment is the most effective way to improve health and mitigate the authors> Drug-related health costs.

The health care costs of substance abuse.

Approximately one third of AIDS cases related to drug injection, and 90 percent of AIDS cases are related to maternal exposure pedantic HIV.

treated alcoholics occur in health care costs in general, at least 100 percent more than non-alcoholic beverages. More than 5 percent (221,000) of the 4 million women who give birth each year, illegal drugs duringPregnancy, at a cost of $ 48,000 to $ 150,000 for each shipment.

Drug treatment reduced the rates of hospitalization by 38 percent. Hospital admissions for drug overdose treatment was reduced by 58 percent between the two.

Minnesota Alcohol and DEA reported savings of $ 22 million annual health care for the treatment of drug abuse and beatings.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The treatment of addiction to marijuana more important than ever

The White House has just published a study on the efficacy of marijuana. It 's more powerful than 30 years, and two times higher than in 1983. Often I do not think marijuana use is sufficient to justify the treatment of dependence on someone forever. May, however, as with many people who use marijuana and other illicit drugs has been, nothing could be further from the truth can be proven. Now, with almost twice the effect created, always in a drug> Addiction Treatment Center is now more important than ever.

Marijuana is known to cause the separation - the withdrawal of the family, school, work and life. In fact, when you're high you do not mind easy. Whatever happens in life is simply not taken seriously. However, a sincere person of the drug, it sometimes seems, can not be expected that the measures which prove the sincerity that follow.

Now the problem is even worse. SuperiorPower of marijuana causes more physical - with the airway, for example - and young people who use marijuana are now twice as likely as others to be depressed to be used. The study also demonstrated a 40% increase in the risk of "mental" problems. This is not entirely clear what that means, but both depression and psychological "problems" can lead to the use of prescription drugs. Drug abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. (and othercountries) and prescription drugs are even harder to stop taking than some of their illegal counterparts.

Getting drug addiction treatment for marijuana could save years of misery in the future.

Also disturbing was the comment made by the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse who was worried that if the increase in potency continues (which is a very real threat) it could also lead to drug addiction - i.e. addiction to Marijuana.

He told the dependence of the severity of withdrawal symptoms - is a relatively small part of the drug than drug addiction. Withdrawal, but, despite the withdrawal symptoms are certainly a deterrent to those seeking a drug addiction much more complex person feels for the first week or so as the withdrawal. "Addiction" things related to why the person I loveinstead of living life to be stoned without drugs. This is where the addiction treatment to be achieved, and without it, the less likely the person stops, regardless of the severity of withdrawal.

As with all other drugs such as antibiotics and other drugs that are dangerous, which is a purely physical condition could not be otherwise, is important if someone is using marijuana, a treatment center for dependence on drugs as soon as possiblehad problems and stay away from drugs. no, the alternative may be worse than the effects of marijuana can also take other drugs that can be fatal and, even worse, dependence.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why Drug Rehab partial coverage of mental health law project?

The abuse of alcohol or drugs affects 25 million Americans, only four million treatments

The need for this country for better insurance coverage for the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism is indisputable. Rehabilitation of drug detoxification and little or no recognition of health care, drug abuse remains a major cause of Life in Ruins, violence family, emergency, and death. According to the Bureau of Labor, alcohol and drug abuse cost America 77000000000 annually in lost productivity. Clearly, something must be done to facilitate the rehabilitation of addicts to drugs and alcohol.

But the question comes to mind when reading the 1402 Paul Wellstone Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act, HR is: drug addiction and mental illness, addiction?

The "Wellstone bill, HR 1402, will focus on insurers'> Substance abuse and other mental disorders "on an equal basis with other chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension.

The Wellstone bill is U.S. Representatives Kennedy. Patrick (D-RI) and Jim Ramstad (R-Minnesota), sponsored. Kennedy said we should "... the end of discrimination against persons with mental illness and addiction." And Ramstad said Congress must "... Discrimination against people with mental illness and chemical finalDependence. "

Where is this idea that people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are in the same category as the abuse of alcohol or drugs, including those entangled addiction to prescription drugs. It 'may not be mentally ill - they just need detoxification and drug rehabilitation?

For example, it was Judge William H. Rhenquist the Supreme Court "mentally ill" because it is dependent on painkillers for a decade highbefore entering drug treatment - would be difficult to convince teachers of the law or of a person to the Supreme Court again declared that 10 years go and undo the brilliant and sensitive decisions and opinions of those who later received the President Rhenquist Supreme Court - as "mentally ill".

Or what is one of the most famous, the most prolific writers and the United States, which for decades was drunk cocaine or cable, cough medications Xanax, Valium, NyQuil, orMarijuana? Stephen King was a "mentally ill" when he wrote the more complex layout, best seller best seller? We have never heard of "mental illness" as king of the voice of detoxification in 1980 and has remained sober.

And remember that Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis was listening to a common criminal drug cocaine is sung by the rent for each year. After a friend died of an overdose, was suddenly on her and leaveencourages - no action expected of someone who is "mentally ill".

The so-called mental health parity "bill like the Wellstone bill is not always the case. - And there are many attempts in the past, away from the main lobby against him by the insurance industry, perhaps even people strongly believe that drug addiction and mental illness are not the same and do not go together in such a law.

The industry of "mental health, asAnd 'now known, is receiving billions of dollars in taxes each year scholarships and other forms of support. Compared to drug rehabilitation and alcohol are a drop in the bucket. But the dependence and addiction are treated is costing us $ 77billion in lost productivity - diabetes and cancer combined, much more than "mental illness". Major cardiovascular diseases

After being subjected to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, approximately 25 million Americans a substance abuse problem. And less than four million of these victims have received rehabilitation they need.

If you really want to do something about it, we must separate these two issues and in their own account. In this way, we can have a better opportunity for the insurance industry to support the millions of Americans who are not mentally ill who need speed and too often get financial support and success> Detoxification Program

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Addiction - Drugs

Drug addiction is a process of repeated drug use, increasing to the point of desire and therefore no control of those desires. The medicine can start when people feel the need to shut up or appeasement, that the drugs had a crippling effect on countries , the reality of life in the face. Someone whose life is happy or feels may be a lack of hope for life, physical pain or suffering from the monotony of their lives, rather than resorting to drugsEscape their physical and mental suffering.

Peer pressure is another factor for which a person starts here drugs, particularly among young people. You can be sure that the medicine to solve your problems via A. While under the influence of drugs, the reality is more and continue to drugs, stay in the realm of the senses. This feeling of joy, the desire for more drugs. In addition, residues of drugs in the body causesCravings, too.

The drugs are approved for use to alleviate health problems, but drugs have side effects. The first is the creation of a drug habit. Addiction this addiction is a serious consequence of drug use and easy to configure. Toxicity are available on all medications taken in high doses, so that a person comes from their involvement in drugs and continue to take larger doses, the results can be fatal.

The physiological reasonsStart a person on the road of addiction are more or less the same for all human beings, like all life experiences, but not everyone turns to drugs as a solution to problems. precise theories why some people turn to drugs for relief may be found in the problems of life, perhaps, that these people are low to begin with, and needs a crutch to lean on, however, who suffered the misery they see. On the other hand, can be caused by a chemical imbalancein the brain or it could be related genetically.

Signs of friends seeking to change drug abuse on children, lying, stealing, personality, school performance, withdrawal, etc. In general, the signs and symptoms of drug abuse among people of all ages embezzlement trial, nervousness, pupils dilated, speech difficulties and a low attention span. Of course, with hints of drug users are clearly needle in the arm. It should also be noted thatof drug used depends on the signs and symptoms may vary.

There is no single recommended treatment for addiction medicine, the specific problems of each individual is required to treatment can be addressed in order to determine what kind. The first requirement for the pharmacological treatment is the person to acknowledge their addiction and realize they need help. Time is important, because if that decision is made, treatment should be available for thesethem. If you start a period of calm between them in their decision to help and treatment is a good opportunity to change their minds to be. So after the treatment so that at any time necessary.

Attention has been paid to the specific needs of individuals, taking into account their medical and psychological and how that extends to their relationships with family, friends and colleagues. Treatment should be tailored to age andThe sex of the person. Of course, adults do with all other situations, such as children and experience various problems with these situations. As women and men with different problems would be different.

Individual and group is for the individual use of the drug from the analysis of specific problems were performed. compulsive behavior to assess drugfor U-turn on road management issues of the day time without a crutch.

Typically, treatment lasts about three months before any signs of improvement after the treatment is necessary to reach the stage of recovery. Some people leave treatment before completing the entire course, there are guidelines to encourage to stay and finish the treatment.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The causes of addiction - can be attributed to genetics?

Are the pressures of modern society, like the old forces and young people using drugs or is there more to do with peer group pressure until the medicine is to promote the participation of abuse or may be attributable to the resources genetic? ?

Today, drug abuse has become a crucial problem in the world. The age does not distinguish, so as to become an addict, but prevalence among young drug users is a sad reality. Of course, a series ofTheories and theorists have been proposed by various researchers, scientists, but no dependency to a single conclusion to define the exact causes.

For example, some explanation of the causes of addiction are:

Before Some believe that genetically predisposed

Others believe that nothing more than a second mental illness.

Some Third simplify the argument, and is linked to the product of a badLifestyle risk and interaction between peers during adolescence.

Fourth Many consider it a disease

Fifth others see a genetic disorder that makes people tend dependence.

Consider some of the explanations most commonly identified as causes of addiction.

Brain Diseases

disease of addiction in the brain is identified as a major cause of drug use. It is believed that this specific type of brainIf developed, which was launched following the voluntary use of drugs. These drugs interact with different parts of the brain change in level of consciousness, mood, perception and emotional states. Prolonged use of drugs may permanently change the function and structure of the brain that may become addicted to, even after the conclusion of the holder to use drugs. According to this view, addiction is a behavior disorder by bio-excellence.


It 's also a popular hypothesis. Many experts believe that genetic predisposition may play an important role in dependence of one of the leading causes of drug use. Some researchers have also argued that represent some of the violations of the genes responsible for drug development. However, science is still working to identify specific genes, their location and their potential role in human behavior in general. It is confirmed that the game and inheritanceimportant role to someone prone to addiction. Without doubt, a better understanding will be announced shortly.


Today, drug rehabilitation centers, mostly based on the belief that the dependence of philosophy and social factors are the main causes of drug use.

They say that if you are dependent on a system of beliefs can be changed, he found a way to release the drug. Even if the proponents of thisHypothesis Testing, drug addiction is a disease, illness is the result of personal choices, social, behavioral or anti poor. These ideas are worth nothing to become the motivation of people to pull their lives together. However, deep rooted problem of substance abuse, holistic treatments to combat addiction consciousness, mood, perception and mood

Fortunately, the methods available for the treatment of drug addicts showshappened in most cases. And 'no doubt that research will take place on the causes of drug addiction is a clarification of these questions leads to a better two forms of treatment and prevention.