Drug addiction is one of the most pressing problems and pervasive that almost all countries have faced. The consequence of such an addiction can be devastating. The effects of drug addiction are felt on many levels.
People who use drugs experience physical effects due to their drug addiction. People with drug addiction, it can lead to anxiety, fatigue, depression and alleviate a strong desire for more cocaine tothe feelings of the crash. Many drug users commit crimes such as theft and prostitution to money to buy drugs increase, and some drugs are associated with violent behavior.
Family and friends feel the effects of drug addiction as well. The user who have dealt with the drug usually lead changed mood is likely to marital problems and poor work performance or dismissal. Drug addiction can disrupt family membersLife and create destructive patterns of co-dependency.
Drug abuse affects society in many ways. Drug users rather than nonusers of accidents, danger to himself and those around them. Drug-related crime can disrupt neighborhoods due to violence among drug dealers, threats to residents and the crimes of the addicts themselves. In addition, drug addiction cost billions of dollars each year. Heroin use alonefor the epidemic is the number of new HIV cases is responsible / AIDS and children born addicted to drugs every year. drug addiction for work decreased productivity and responsible participation, increased health care costs and an escalation of domestic violence and violent crime
Drug addiction has many negative physiological health effects ranging from minor issues like digestion problems or respiratory infections, to potentially fatal diseases. The effectsdependent on the drug and the quantity, type and frequency of use. The result is that regular drug abuse or permanent exposure to a drug result from physiological dependence, which means that if the person who use drugs any more, he / she experiences physical withdrawal symptoms and craving for the drug.
Drug addiction can lead to brain damage. Drug addiction affects the way the brain functions and alters its responses to theWorld. How drug abuse will affect your behavior, actions, feelings and motivations is unpredictable. By interfering in the natural way the brain works, sets offender risks that they might never have imagined.
Drug addiction leads to psychological and physical dependence. The concept of drug abuse is used to indicate the excessive consumption of a drug, regardless of whether a person really need them. Drug abusers are generally immature,under mental and physical health hazards, emotionally disturbed and psychopathic in nature.