-Social, anti nature of addiction leads to a "lifestyle." The addict is out of step with the social structure, must live in it. Addicts begin to associate only with other addicts or drug dealers and drug use after subculture. Paranoia caused by different things, and many different levels, which makes the drug less and less comfortable at all, is not the same as they are, in part,because they are criminals and drug addicts. During a period of time, life requires a special justification and rationalization of the dependence of production with the results presented. Gradually, these defense mechanisms to become anti-social philosophy of the "distorted thinking." Since the drug more and more dysfunctional, which inevitably end up outside the laws of society, to assume a profile that is easily recognizable and, therefore, receivearrested. Usually below the factor of crime, addiction progresses forward and distorted thinking. A total of principles, morals and beliefs are amended approved. Unfortunately, this tends to be progressive to the point, a change in long-term behavior in general.
Drug addiction is under way as "chemo brain" changes. Brain chemistry changes the behavior changes. The changes in the operation as changing the whole personality. Most of the changesin brain chemistry has a significant impact, not easy to overcome, or vice versa. Chemical changes are the "neurotransmitters" that are at the heart of the relationship between the brain and the rest of the central nervous system. "In particular, reduced levels of dopamine change of personality. Dopamine affects appetite, sleep, emotions, and also the 'internal clock." Investigating the' high craving for the drug of choice is constant.
Unfortunately, this desireless easy to satisfy. Since changes in the brain, drugs that are less capable, the same effects that changes in the brain before it is ongoing. The addict has, literally, "another brain." The addict is "back" the feeling that the medications are derived from the use of the problem was at first that the drug makes sense that the ratio of drug addicts caught fire. Finally, the addict loses the "up" and is now trying to "good" or feel"Normal". Without a certain level of drugs in his system, addicts to start a widespread feeling "sick". for the drug gradually increase the amount of time the drug was used with tolerance. Over time, it takes more and more drugs no longer meet users' needs and desires. As the most dysfunctional drug addict and the amount of drug demand increases, however, the ability to achieveis more difficult and requires methods that are illegal on most days. serious violations of conduct is supposed to get the drug, the more money needed for the growing number of des-The "cycle of dependency" and "life." You need the drug to the drug, continued to raise funds. This time is followed by a supply of drugs of the drug, and the extension. decreases and increases the satisfaction of need. Inspire pharmaceuticalsmore crimes and led to more "time" ... Life is the drug of choice! Detoxification usually only after the crimes, arrested and forcibly returned to the Internet environment, where the drug is. Detoxification is usually the easy part for an addict. Chemical changes in the brain that have been parallel changes in behavior and personality are not easily reversible. The drug is excretedScene, but the thought has been distorted "integrated" into the brains of addicts in the form of anti-social beliefs. Detention dysfunction supplements that jails and prisons is also a belief system in place anti-social activity on their part, developed by criminals of all kinds. these patients, employees must believe that his ability is very poor succumb easily to the belief system in place that will take place too easily. Since term limits increases in prisonserious crime, the length of time out of the arrest, and criminal behavior is so strong and therefore a problem such as addiction. Together, they are very difficult to change a state of being. Very little, if appropriate, the ability to make the necessary changes alone, because if they are really addictive.
Some form of structure and rehabilitation "help" if the drug should never be able to function in society.strict rules and routines are necessary. Accepting the need for help is important. It 'important because the nature of addiction that is produced "waste" of the "problem. Leaving it in the distorted thinking almost impossible because the brain is the most affected by the person who has an "addiction" has become! 12-step programs and a limited number of programs of Christian inspiration, are the only source of help that is not expensive in terms of financial performanceMost of the addicts and their families. The assumption is the key "key" in the recovery from this terrible disease. Often several episodes of formal treatment is the only solution or answer. Yes, the consequences, because "recidivism tends to be inevitable because of the complexity of the problem. Physiology, psychology and pharmacology, all factors, including the treatment of this chronic, progressive and fatal. The requirement of 12 program stepshas "accepted" products "miracles", but we must trust in miracles for our country to solve the biggest problem? Treatment in a controlled environment allows the addict to find more easily identify and recognize the need to "accept" that has to change its main form of thought and behavior. To address this reality is by peers, which increases to have a common problem. This "recognition" should be complete and must be constantly reinforced by a long period of time. Its rangeeasier to do when people have to do well in their environment. It should not become dependent during the night and can not be restored overnight. Before a drug is well led, years were generally conducted over a period of many, if not decades. It 'hard for a man most of his life was thrown. L ', guilt, shame and fear that sobriety and recovery of the thought processes that are common complications for the addict. These feelingsshould be treated as he is often seen as the main cause of relapse in use. Accepting defeat is also a hindrance, because nobody likes to lose. Therefore, it is essential to overcome the defeat and focus on achieving to become "Sober." "Sobriety" is a term often used in AA and NA, in terms of abstinence from alcohol and other drugs. Anonymous meetings regularly held that "alcohol is a drug. Longer-term drugAlcoholics hinder the older generation over demand. Current knowledge supports education and NA acknowledges that all substances lunatic. The acceptance of this idea is crucial, because most of the drugs start with alcohol relapse, often deceive themselves to believe alcohol is a drug, will be able to control this kind.
Approval, acceptance, acceptance is running, simply because philosophy of healing as a river. BeforeYou can accept that to do so. Before you can accept. Open your eyes! Open your eyes! Accept the fact that the therapist or consultant knows what they are talking about. Accept the fact that he is ill. Accept that you are working more. Accept that things will only improve with time, as well as being clean and sober. Accept the fact that it is wrong, and it is true. Accept help! Accepting the idea that Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous is an alcoholic and remains an integral part oflong-term maintenance of sobriety! One undeniable fact is that to accept the fact that not only the body to use the drug again, but his mind might need more time to recover. Accept that people do not immediately accept their intention, the ability or desire to change.
Last AA Big Book, Third Edition, page 449:. "And you accept the answer to all my problems today, if I am concerned because I have a person, place, thing orSituation - a fact in my life - unacceptable to me, and I can not find peace until the person, place, thing or situation as it is to accept at this time. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober when I expressed to accept life completely on life, I can be happy. They have so much to focus the world in terms of change that needs to be changedI and my attitude. "The program of 12 steps and the process of recovery is not only a journey to learn to stop drinking or using. These concepts are a" trip "on a simple plan for learning to live in conditions of life. Final discussion!