Monday, August 23, 2010

Free Living Will - to prevent abuse

It 's a fundamental human right, has confirmed to my knowledge of the constitution, laws and customs of all civilized nations, someone in a position of any treatment, he or she will not be reflected.

You have the right to do so for religious reasons, for reasons of personal conviction, or simply because they believe that treatment is harmful or dangerous.

psychiatric treatment is typical: brutal, invasive and debilitating physical and psychological, psychiatric three mainlobotomy therapy, electric shock and surprise increasingly discredited as false independent "science" that damage and even sought to justify the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people in the name of healing. Do not allow that, following a large and growing number of people quickly would hurt a psychiatrist in your area with a scalpel, the electrodes and the brain and nerve cells, drugs - the right to refuse.

And 'your right and sound mind to refuse such treatmentchoose solutions that are safe, effective for those who care about what they are and become, instead of their nutritionists, Dianeticists or pastor or religious who want to help.

This is a problem, but rather a trap for small operators to choose their fundamental right away can take.

If you have had bad luck, fell to the psychiatric and were classified as "mentally ill", the fundamental human right, which can be denied. Psychiatric "diagnosis" is well known, arbitraryMay vary according to the opinion of every psychiatrist and is in no researcher has established diagnostic criteria. The very "noisy" or "mental illness", the "diagnosis" were exposed as false if it was, and psychiatrists showed essentially invented concepts, labels, varieties of human behavior is not described as a justification for what can only be used as a brain, you can add "finishing touches" - often with catastrophic damage toPatient.

However, in many countries that some psychiatrists call it crazy, you can do is not considered responsible decisions for their treatment and their freedom of choice there.

But if you make the decision before anyone has an excuse or a pretext to remove the right of choice, of course, while in his senses? And if you were able to include this decision in a legal document?

According to the laws of the United Kingdom at least -Mental Capacity Act 2005 - you can do this: you can choose to receive a quick decision to celebrate not want to be treated, if then "unfit". This is known as a living being. "

I suspect other countries have similar laws, which give in one way or another, would ensure that the law and all governments to respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says.

The medical profession in general, notApplication to surgery, drugs or other treatments that do not want to express, regardless of personal opinion and sincere advice of the doctor's going on. A surgeon, for example, a kidney or a doctor injected her something or gave you a blood transfusion against her will would be a small business owner. When the chemical treatment is the same right extends, therefore, this branch of medicine, brain surgery, manages electricalshock treatments and drugs.

In the UK, if you want to protect from possible future abuse mental and physical decline invasive procedures as mentioned above, therefore, simply a "living legally binding" through the services of a lawyer.

A lawyer for citizenship, a strong demand for the service, the answer online free and I want to reach all the Brit urge your site as soon as possible and look at lifedone. Visit my site Freedom Square (see below) and click on "I want to live free" in the navigation bar on the left, you will find.

If you're not English, can I ask you the same protection under the law of the State to investigate.

We do not know how long it will take before we now see the back of psychiatry as quackery and brutality even in the light of public scrutiny to reduce scientific dishonesty and lifeless Ratednu.

Without doubt, the end is near, and control of the medical profession and even many psychiatrists to abandon ship or separated from him and government agencies, including up and down, examine the systematic abuse of its citizens.

Probably the only reason that psychiatry is still with us at all, given the progress of medicine and science of proper nutrition and the emergence of Dianetics that safe and unique to offer more practical solutionsis to protect the dilapidated and dangerous dinosaurs of the eighteenth century through their representatives in government.

But while the sick animal is still alive, though in pain, it would be good to protect us and keep a good distance from clicking jaws and tails to fly.

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